Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
D. Chillet was member of the technical program committee of HiPEAC RAPIDO, HiPEAC WRC, MCSoC, DCIS, ComPAS, DASIP, LP-EMS, ARC.
S. Derrien was a member of technical program committee of IEEE FPL and ARC conferences and of WRC and Impact workshops.
O. Sentieys was a member of technical program committee of IEEE/ACM DATE, IEEE FPL, ACM ENSSys, ACM SBCCI, IEEE ReConFig, FPGA4GPC.
Member of the Editorial Boards of Journals
D. Chillet is member of the Editor Board of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP).
O. Sentieys is member of the editorial board of Journal of Low Power Electronics and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.
Invited Talks
O. Sentieys gave an invited talk at FETCH (École d'hiver Francophone sur les Technologies de Conception des Systèmes embarqués Hétérogènes), Mont Tremblant, Canada, January 2017 on “Need more Energy Efficiency? Agree to Compute Inexactly”.
O. Sentieys gave an invited talk at GDR SoC
, Paris, France, November 2017 on “Controlling Inexact Computations at Compile Time and Runtime”. -
O. Sentieys gave an invited talk at IoT2Sustain Workshop, London, UK, July 2017 on “Challenges in Energy Efficiency of Computing Architectures: from Sensors to Clouds”.
O. Sentieys gave an invited course at ARCHI Spring School, Nancy, France, March 2017 on “Design of VLSI Integrated Circuits – A (very) deep dive into processors”.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
D. Chillet is member of the Board of Directors of Gretsi Association.
D. Chillet is co-animator of the topics "Connected Objects" and "Near Sensor Computing" of GDR SoC
. -
F. Charot and O. Sentieys are members of the steering committee of a CNRS Spring School for graduate students on embedded systems architectures and associated design tools (ARCHI).
C. Killian was Co-Organizer of the Thematic Day on "Emerging Interconnect Technologies in Many Core Architectures" of GDR SoC
, November 27, 2017. -
O. Sentieys is a member of the steering committee of a CNRS spring school for graduate students on low-power design (ECOFAC).
O. Sentieys is a member of the steering committee of GDR SoC