Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Marie-Dominique Devignes is a member of the Steering Committee for the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB).

Marie-Dominique Devignes organised a workshop on “Security issues in health data processing” for the Fédération Charles Hermite, Nancy.

Sabeur Aridhi co-chaired the workshop on “Large scale time-dependent graphs” (TD-LSG) as part of ECML-PKDD-2017.

Member of Organizing Committees

David Ritchie participated in the organisation of GGMM-2017 (Reims).

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

David Ritchie was a member of the programme committee for GGMM-2017, Reims.

Sabeur Aridhi was a member of the programme committee for TDLSG/ECML-PKDD, Skopje, Macedonia.


Marie-Dominique Devignes was a reviewer for IWBBIO, NETTAB, KDIR, and BIBM.

David Ritchie was a reviewer for IJCAI and JOBIM.


Member of the Editorial Boards

David Ritchie is a member of the editorial board of Scientific Reports.

Sabeur Aridhi is a member of the editorial board of Intelligent Data Analysis.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The members of the team have reviewed manuscripts for Algorithms for Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, and Proteins: Structure, Function & Bioinformatics.

Invited Talks

David Ritchie gave a presentation at the Unité de Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse (MIAT).

Scientific Expertise

Marie-Dominique Devignes reviewed grant applications for the Institut Pasteur and the Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IRESP).

Sabeur Aridhi reviewed grant applications for the French Committee for the Evaluation of Academic and Scientific Cooperation with Brazil (COFECUB).

David Ritchie is a member of the Bureau of the GGMM (Groupe de Graphisme et Modélisation Moléculaire).

Marie-Dominique Devignes participated in a Recruitment Committee for a MdC at Univ Lille.

Research Administration

Marie-Dominique Devignes is Chargée de Mission for the CyberBioHealth research axis at the LORIA and is a member of the “Comipers” recruitment committee for Inria Nancy – Grand Est.

David Ritchie is a member of the Commission de Mention Informatique (CMI) of the University of Lorraine's IAEM doctoral school, and is a member of the Bureau of the Project Committee for Inria Nancy – Grand Est.

Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne is an elected member of the scientific council of the AM2I (Automatique, Mathématiques, Informatiques et leurs Interactions) pole of the University of Lorraine.

Sabeur Aridhi is responsible for the major in IAMD (Ingénierie et Applications des Masses de Données) at TELECOM Nancy (Univ. Lorraine), and a member of the “Commission du Développement Technologique” recruitment committee at Inria Nancy – Grand Est.