Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Y. Coudière co-organised the Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology, November 4–6, 2017, at the University of Ottawa in Canada. Approximately 30 scientists from the US, Canada, and several European countries participated in this workshop.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Y. Coudière was a program committee member for the Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH) meeting 2017 in Toronto, Canada.

M. Potse is a track chair for the International Congress of Cardiology 2018 in Chiba, Japan.


Y. Coudière and M. Potse reviewed abstracts for the Computing in Cardiology meeting in Rennes, September 2017.


Member of the Editorial Boards

M. Potse: associate editor of Frontiers in Cardiac Electrophysiology.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

L. Weynans: Computers and Fluids, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation

M. Potse: Heart Rhythm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Journal of Electrocardiology.

Y. Coudière: Journal of computational and applied mathematics, PLOS ONE, SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics

N. Zemzemi: Inverse Problems, Europace, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Mathematical Modelling of Natural phenomena.

Invited Talks

N. Zemzemi: Problèmes directs et inverses en electrophysiologie cardiaque. Séminaire du Laboratoire de mathématiques à Université de Technologie de Compiègne. November 14th 2017.

P.-E. Bécue: A Three-Dimensional Computational Model of Action Potential Propagation Through a Network of Individual Cells. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, November 2017. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/activities/17-18/electrophysiology

A. Davidovic: Modified bidomain model addressing structural heterogeneities. Application to the rat heart ventricles using HR MRI. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, November 2017.

A. Gérard: Data assimilation applied to electroanatomical mapping in a bilayer atrial model. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, November 2017.

M. Potse: Chaos, order, and numerical errors in a large-scale atrial fibrillation model. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, November 2017.

M. Potse: Patient-specific modeling to understand cardiac disease. BCAM Workshop Quantitative Biomedicine for Health and Disease. Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain, 21 February 2017.

Y. Coudière: Modélisation d'hétérogénéités de la structure myocardique. GRD Mamovi. Lyon, 27 September 2017.

Y. Coudière: High-order finite volume scheme for cardiac electrophysiology, invited talk for the workshop Schémas volumes finis, Nice, 30-31 March 2017, http://math.unice.fr/~krell/Colloque/index.php

Leadership within the Scientific Community

M. Potse is council member of the International Society of Electrocardiology.

Research Administration

L. Weynans: member of the “Conseil du département Sciences et Technologies” of Bordeaux University.

Y. Coudière:

  • Scientific responsibility of the IMB (CNRS UMR 5251) team “Calcul Scientifique et Modélisation,” 60 persons.

  • Responsible for the scientific communication (Chargé de mission à l'animation scientifique) of the IMB.

  • N. Zemzemi: Administration of the Inria associated team Epicard.

M. Leguèbe: co-organization of team “Calcul Scientifique et Modélisation” seminar.