Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
AIDE (“A New Database Service for Interactive Exploration on Big Data”) is an ANR “Young Researcher” project led by Y. Diao, started at the end of 2016.
CBOD (“Cloud-Based Organizational Design”) is a 4-year ANR started in 2014, coordinated by prof. Ahmed Bounfour from UPS . Its goal is to study and model the ways in which cloud computing impacts the behavior and operation of companies and organizations, with a particular focus on the cloud-based management of data, a crucial asset in many companies.
ContentCheck (2015-2018) is an ANR project in collaboration with U. Rennes 1 (F. Goasdoué), INSA Lyon (P. Lamarre), the LIMSI lab from U. Paris Sud, and the Le Monde newspaper, in particular their fact-checking team Les Décodeurs. Its aim is to investigate content management models and tools for journalistic fact-checking.
LabEx, IdEx
CloudSelect is a three-years project started in October 2015. It is financed by the Institut de la Société Numérique (ISN) of the IDEX Paris-Saclay; it funds the PhD scholarship of S. Cebiric. The project is a collaboration with A. Bounfour from the economics department of Université Paris Sud. The project aims at exploring technical and business-oriented aspects of data mobility across clo ud services, and from the cloud to outside the cloud.
ODIN is a four-year project started in 2014, funded by the Direction Générale de l'Armement, between the SemSoft company, IRISA Rennes and Cedar. The project aims to develop a complete framework for analytics on Web data, in particular taking into account uncertainty, based on Semantic Web technologies such as RDF.
The goal of the iCODA project is to develop the scientific and technological foundations for knowledge- mediated user-in-the-loop collaborative data analytics on heterogenous information sources, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in realistic, high-visibility use-cases. The project stands at the crossroad of multiple research fields—content analysis, data management, knowledge represen- tation, visualization—that span multiple Inria themes, and counts on a club of major press partners to define usage scenarios, provide data and demonstrate achievements. This is a project funded directly by Inria (“Inria Project Lab”), and is in collaboration with GraphIK, ILDA, LINKMEDIA (coordinator), as well as the press partners AFP, Le Monde (Les Décodeurs) and Ouest-France.