Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Y. Diao has been the PC co-chair of IEEE International Conference of Data Engineering (ICDE) 2017.
I. Manolescu has been a track chair for the ACM SIGMOD (Special Interest Group on the Management of Data) 2017 conference.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
I. Manolescu has been member of the PC of the DASFAA Conference 2017, of the Semantic Big Data Workshop (SBD) and of the WebDB (Web and Databases) Workshops in conjunction with the SIGMOD Conference 2017.
M. Thomazo has been member of the PC of BDA 2017, and IJCAI 2017.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Y. Diao is the editor-in-chief of ACM SIGMOD Record.
I. Manolescu has been an Associate Editor for PVLDB (Proceedings of Very Large Databases) 2017.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
M. Thomazo has been a reviewer for JODS and TOCL.
Invited Talks
Y. Diao gave a distinguished lecture at the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, in November 2017.
I. Manolescu gave a keynote talk at the DEXA Conference in August 2017 [23].
I. Manolescu gave a keynote talk at the iiWAS Conference in December 2017 [24]
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Y. Diao is a member of the ACM SIGMOD Executive Committee, and also a member of the PVLDB Endowment.
I. Manolescu is a member of the PVLDB Endowment, of the ACM SIGMOD “Jim Gray” PhD Award Committee, and of the steering committee (Comité de Pilotage) of “Bases de Données Avancées” (BDA), the informal association organizing the database research community in France and french-speaking countries.
Research Administration
Y. Diao is on the advisory board of the Data Science Initiative (DSI), a joint center between the applied mathematics and computer science departments of Ecole Polytechnique.
I. Manolescu is responsible of the “Massive Data Processing” axis of the Inria partnership with DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement).