Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
CPE Lyon Lyon 4-5th year : F. Jumel, resp. of the Robotics option, 400h M1/ M2, Dept. SN CPE Lyon France.
CPE Lyon Lyon 4-5th year : F. Jumel, 250h (robotic vision, cognitive science, Interface robot machine, deeplearning, Robotic frameworks, robotic plateforms, Kalman Filter)
INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Algorithmique et programmation, 76h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, WEB, 42h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Operating Systems, 56h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 4rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Operating Systems, 16h, Master, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 5th year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, the Robotics option : AI for Robotics, Robotics projects, 8h, M2, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
M2R MoSIG: A. Martinelli, Autonomous Robotics, 12h, ENSIMAG Grenoble.
INSA Lyon 5th year : O. Simonin, resp. of the Robotics option : AI for Robotics, Software and Hardware for robotics, Robotics projects, 60h, M2, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 3rd year : O. Simonin, Algorithmique et programmation, 30h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA de Lyon, France.
INSA Lyon 5th year : A. Spalanzani, Navigation en environnement humain, 2h, M2, INSA de Lyon, France.
Master : Laetitia Matignon, Multi-Agents and Self-* Systems, 10h TD, M2 Artificial Intelligence, Lyon 1 University, France.
Master : Laetitia Matignon, Multi-Robot Systems, 20h TD, 5th year of engineer, Polytech Lyon Informatics Department, France.
Master: C. Laugier, “Bayesian Perception & Decision-making for Autonomous Vehicles and Mobile Robots’’, 3 hours, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, Chine.
Doctorat: C. Laugier, “Embedded Perception, Situation Awareness and Decision-making for Autonomous Vehicles’’, 4 hours, Intelligent Vehicles International Summer School, ITEAM European H2020 MSCA-ITN project, Compiegne, France.
PhD : Tiana Rakotovao Andriamahefa, Embedded Bayesian Perception on a Multi-core Architecture, Univ. Grenoble, 21/02/2017, C. Laugier and D. Ruspini (CEA LETI).
PhD in progress: David Sierra Gonzalez, Autonomous Driving (cooperation Toyota), 2014, C. Laugier, J. Dibangoye, E. Mazer (Inria Prima).
PhD in progress: Mathieu Barbier, Decision making for Intelligent Vehicles (cooperation Renault), 2015, C. Laugier, O. Simonin, E. Mazer (Inria Prima).
PhD in progress: Stefan Chitic, Middleware for multi-robot systems, 2013, O. Simonin, J. Ponge (CITI-Dynamid) (to be defended on March 2018).
PhD in progress: Mihai Popescu, Robot fleet mobility under communication constraints, 2015, O. Simonin, A. Spalanzani, F. Valois (CITI/Inria Agora).
PhD in progress: Pavan Vasishta, Situational Awareness of Autonomous Cars in Urban Areas, 2016, A. Spalanzani, Dominique Vaufreydaz (Inria Pervasive Interaction).
PhD in progress: Guillaume Bono, Global-local Optimization Under Uncertainty for Goods Distribution Using a Fleet of Autonomous Vehicles, 2016, O. Simonin, J. Dibangoye, L. Matignon.
PhD in progress: Remi Cambuzat, Robots de TEléprésence : Navigation Sociale et Interaction VErbale immersives, 2016, G. Bailly (CNRS GIPSA lab), A. Spalanzani, O. Simonin.
Starting PhD: Remy Grunblatt, Mobilité contrôlée dans les réseaux de drones autonomes", 2017, I. Guerrin-Lassous (Inria Dante), O. Simonin.
C. Laugier was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Scott Drew Pendleton, NUS Singapore, April 2017.
O. Simonin was a reviewer and a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Ange Nizard, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, February 4th, 2017.
O. Simonin was a reviewer and a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Alexandre Lombard, UTBM (Univ. de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard), December 11, 2017.
A. Spalanzani was a reviewer and a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Harmish Khambhaita, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, October 2017.
Laetitia Matignon was a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Nassim Kalde, Université de Lorraine, December 12th, 2017.
C. Wolf was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Enjie Ghorbel, Université de Normandie, October 10th, 2017.
C. Wolf was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Jorris Guerry, Ecole Polytechnique, November 20th, 2017.
C. Wolf was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Juan Manuel Perez Rua, Université de Rennes, December 4th, 2017.
C. Wolf was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Grigory Antipov, Télécom ParisTech, December 15th, 2017.
Member of commitee for Professor, Associate Prof., Research Director or Researcher recruitment