Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Olivier Goury was hired as a postdoctoral researcher by the "Réhabilitation chirurgicale mini-invasive et robotisée de l'audition" to collaborate with the DEFROST team on the simulation of Cochlear Implant surgery. The contract stopped since Olivier has been recruited as a Research scientist. The collaboration with Inserm has been continued since, with the hiring of Piyush Jain as an engineer.
Tremplin ERC Christian Duriez recieved a ANR grant "tremplin ERC" (150k€) given the result obtained last year on the ERC proposal (evaluated at "grade A"). The project has allowed to allocate new resources on the developments that were presented in this ERC.
CO2DMod Control-Oriented Data-Driven Modeling of Complex System. The goal of this project was to propose Data-Driven Modelling technique (model reduction as well as model identification) that provides an Uncertainty Certificate (UC). The goal of these certificates are (i) to guarantee that the models obtained from data are good enough for control, (ii) to help the user determine the class of controller design problem the model is tuned for. Unfortunately, the project has not been funded. It was resubmitted this year with hopefully a better outcome.
ROBOCOP ROBOtization of COchlear imPlant. ROBOCOP aims at creating a new prototype of cochlear implant, and robotize (i.e. actuate and control) its insertion process to facilitate the work of surgeon, to increase the success ratio, and to decrease the probability of trauma. Partnership with IEMN (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology), OTICON Medical and UMRS-1159 at Inserm. This project was submitted in 2017 and we are awaiting the answer from the ANR.