Major publications by the team in recent years
1G. Rubino, B. Tuffin (editors)
Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo Methods, John Wiley & Sons, 2009. -
2N. Bouabdallah, A.-L. Beylot, E. Dotaro, G. Pujolle.
Resolving the Fairness Issues in Bus-Based Optical Access Networks, in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2005, vol. 23, no 8, pp. 1444–1457. -
3Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, T. Taleb.
An adaptive fuzzy-based CAC scheme for uplink and downlink congestion control in converged IP and DVB-S2 networks, in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Feb. 2009, vol. 8, no 2, pp. 816–825. -
4Y. Hayel, D. Ros, B. Tuffin.
Less-than-Best-Effort Services: Pricing and Scheduling, in: 23rd IEEE Infocom Conference, Hong-Kong, China, March 2004. -
5P. L'Ecuyer.
Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo: An Introduction for Practitioners, in: 12th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2016), Stanford, United States, August 2016. -
6P. Leguesdron, J. Pellaumail, G. Rubino, B. Sericola.
Transient analysis of the M/M/1 queue, in: Advances in Applied Probability, September 1993, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 702–713. -
7P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Telecommunication Network Economics: From Theory to Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 288 p. -
8H. Nabli, B. Sericola.
Performability analysis: a new algorithm, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1996, vol. 45, no 4, pp. 491–494. -
9A. Nafaa, A. Ksentini.
On Sustained QoS Guarantees in Operated IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs, in: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008, vol. 19, no 8, pp. 1020–1033. -
10G. Rubino, B. Sericola.
A finite characterization of weak lumpable Markov processes. Part II: The continuous time case, in: Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1993, vol. 45, pp. 115–126. -
11B. Tuffin.
Bounded Normal Approximation in Highly Reliable Markovian Systems, in: Journal of Applied Probability, 1999, vol. 36, no 4.
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
12Y. Li.
Edge computing-based access network selection for heterogeneous wireless networks, Université Rennes 1, September 2017. -
13Q. Pham Tran Anh.
Algorithms and optimization for quality of experience aware routing in wireless networks : from centralized solutions, Université Rennes 1, January 2017.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
14E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel.
Lightweight Metric Computation for Distributed Massive Data Streams, in: Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, April 2017, vol. 10430, no 33, pp. 1–39. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-55696-2_1 ] -
15E. Canale, P. Romero, G. Rubino.
Factorization and Exact Evaluation of the Source-Terminal Diameter-Constrained Reliability, in: Networks, 2017, vol. 70, no 4, pp. 283-291. [ DOI : 10.1002/net.21780 ] -
16P. Frangoudis, L. Yala, A. Ksentini.
CDN-as-a-Service Provision over a Telecom Operator's Cloud, in: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), June 2017, vol. 14, no 3, pp. 702-716. [ DOI : 10.1109/TNSM.2017.2710300 ] -
17S. Gamboa, A. Pelov, P. Maillé, X. Lagrange, N. Montavont.
Reducing the energy footprint of cellular networks with delay-tolerant users, in: IEEE Systems Journal, June 2017, vol. 11, no 2, pp. 729 - 739. [ DOI : 10.1109/JSYST.2015.2476376 ] -
18E. Gourdin, P. Maillé, G. Simon, B. Tuffin.
The Economics of CDNs and Their Impact on on Service Fairness, in: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2017, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 22-33. -
19N. Jara, R. Vallejos, G. Rubino.
A Method for Joint Routing, Wavelength Dimensioning and Fault Tolerance for any set of simultaneous failures on Dynamic WDM Optical Networks, in: Optical Fiber Technology, 2017, vol. 38, no Supplement C, pp. 30-40. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.yofte.2017.08.001 ] -
20N. Jara, R. Vallejos, G. Rubino.
Blocking Evaluation and Wavelength Dimensioning of Dynamic WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion, in: Journal of optical communications and networking, August 2017, vol. 9, no 8, pp. 625-634. [ DOI : 10.1364/JOCN.9.000625 ] -
21P. L'Ecuyer, P. Maillé, N. Stier-Moses, B. Tuffin.
Non-Neutrality of Search Engines and its Impact on Innovation, in: Internet Technology Letters, 2017. -
22P. L'Ecuyer, D. Munger, B. Oreshkin, R. Simard.
Random Numbers for Parallel Computers: Requirements and Methods, in: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2017, vol. 135, pp. 3-17. -
23P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Auctions for online ad space among advertisers sensitive to both views and clicks, in: Electronic Commerce Research, 2017. -
24P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Preventing competition using side payments: when non-neutrality creates barriers to entry, in: Netnomics, 2017, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 3-22. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11066-016-9110-6 ] -
25F. Messaoudi, A. Ksentini, G. Simon, P. Bertin.
On using Edge Computing for computation offloading in mobile network, in: ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, October 2017, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 1 - 28. [ DOI : 10.1145/3115934 ] -
26A. Mouloud, D. Aissani, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
Towards Bandwidth and Energy Optimization in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Springer Computing, October 2017, pp. 1-24. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00607-017-0583-4 ] -
27Q. Pham Tran Anh, K. Piamrat, K. D. Singh, C. Viho.
Video Streaming over Ad-hoc Networks: a QoE-based Optimal Routing Solution, in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, February 2017, vol. 66, no 2. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVT.2016.2552041 ] -
28E. Romo Montiel, M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino, H. Molina-Lozano, R. Menchaca-Méndez, R. Menchaca-Méndez.
Performance Analysis of Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Sensors, December 2017, vol. 17, no 12, pp. 1-49. [ DOI : 10.3390/s17122902 ] -
29G. Rubino, S. Basterrech.
Echo State Queueing Networks: a combination of Reservoir Computing and Random Neural Networks, in: Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2017, vol. 31, no 4, pp. 457-476. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0269964817000110 ] -
30N. Torres-Cruz, M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino, R. Menchaca-Méndez, R. Menchaca-Méndez.
A window-based, server-assisted P2P network for VoD services with QoE guarantees, in: Mobile Information Systems, March 2017, vol. 2017, no Article ID 2084684, pp. 1-16. [ DOI : 10.1155/2017/2084684 ]
Invited Conferences
31S. Basterrech, G. Rubino.
A G-Network as a Reservoir Computing Model, in: First G-Networks Workshop, Nice, France, January 2017. -
32P. L'Ecuyer.
History of uniform random number generation, in: WSC 2017 - Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, United States, December 2017. -
33G. Rubino.
Dependability Analysis through Monte Carlo Methods: The Case of Rare Events - Tutorial, in: ICDT 2017 - The 12th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, Venezia, Italy, April 2017. -
34G. Rubino.
New results on the transient analysis of some fundamental queuing systems - Keynote presentation, in: ACMPT 2017 - Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications, Moscow, Russia, A. Lebedev (editor), Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), October 2017. -
35G. Rubino.
On the derivation of closed-form expressions of the solutions to (possibly infinite) some simple linear systems of ODEs - Keynote presentation, in: CDEDS 2017 - Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzhou, China, September 2017. -
36G. Rubino.
Rare events in simulation: issues and techniques - Plenary speaker, in: IMA 2017 - the 6th World Congress of the Microsimulation Association, Torino, Italy, June 2017.
International Conferences with Proceedings
37I. Alawe, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, A. Ksentini, P. Bertin, D. Darche.
On the scalability of 5G Core network: the AMF case, in: CCNC 2018 - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, United States, January 2018, pp. 1-6. -
38I. Alawe, A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, P. Bertin, A. Kerbellec.
On Evaluating Different Trends for Virtualized and SDN-ready Mobile Network, in: CloudNet 2017 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 2017 IEEE 6th International Conference on, IEEE, September 2017, pp. 1-6. [ DOI : 10.1109/CloudNet.2017.8071534 ] -
39H. B. Ammar, S. A. Chellouche, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
A Markov Chain-based Approximation of CCN Caching Systems, in: ISCC 2017 - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Heraklion, Greece, IEEE, July 2017, pp. 1-6. [ DOI : 10.1109/ISCC.2017.8024551 ] -
40Z. Botev, P. L'Ecuyer.
Accurate computation of the right tail of the sum of dependent log-normal variates, in: WSC 2017 - Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, United States, December 2017. -
41G. Bouzillé, R. Westerlynck, G. Defossez, D. BOUSLIMI, S. Bayat, C. Riou, Y. Busnel, C. Le Guillou, J.-M. Cauvin, C. Jacquelinet, P. Pladys, E. Oger, E. Stindel, P. Ingrand, G. Coatrieux, M. Cuggia.
Sharing health big data for research - A design by use cases: the INSHARE platform approach, in: The 16th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo2017), Hangzhou, China, The 16th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo2017), August 2017. -
42P. W. Glynn, M. K. Nakayama, B. Tuffin.
On the estimation of the mean time to failure by simulation, in: 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, United States, December 2017. -
44N. Jara, R. Vallejos, G. Rubino.
Alternate Paths for Multiple Fault Tolerance on Dynamic WDM Optical Networks, in: HPSR 2017 - 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Campinas, Brazil, IEEE, June 2017, pp. 1-6. [ DOI : 10.1109/HPSR.2017.7968674 ] -
45Y. Li, P. Frangoudis, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, P. Bertin.
A Mobile Edge Computing-Assisted Video Delivery Architecture for Wireless Heterogeneous Networks, in: ISCC 2017 - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Heraklion, Greece, IEEE, July 2017, pp. 1-6. [ DOI : 10.1109/ISCC.2017.8024583 ] -
46P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Enforcing free roaming among UE countries: an economic analysis, in: 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Tokyo, Japan, November 2017. -
47P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
How does imposing free roaming in EU impact users and ISPs' relations?, in: 8th International Conference Network of the Future, London, United Kingdom, November 2017. -
48P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Non-Neutrality Pushed by Big Content Providers, in: 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GE- CON'2017), Biarritz, France, September 2017. -
49F. Messaoudi, A. Ksentini, P. Bertin.
On using Edge Computing for computation offloading in mobile network, in: Globecom 2017 - IEEE Global Communications Conference, Singapore, Singapore, December 2017. -
50Y. Mocquard, B. Sericola, E. Anceaume.
Probabilistic Analysis of Counting Protocols in Large-scale Asynchronous and Anonymous Systems, in: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Network Computing and Applications, Boston, United States, October 2017. -
51M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino.
Transmission Probability Strategies for Cluster-based Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks, in: CyberC 2017 - International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Nanjing, China, October 2017, pp. 1-4. -
52N. Rivetti, Y. Busnel, L. Querzoni.
Délestage avisé dans les systèmes de traitement de flux, in: ALGOTEL 2017 - 19èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Quiberon, France, May 2017. -
53A. Samba, Y. Busnel, A. Blanc, P. Dooze, G. Simon.
Instantaneous Throughput Prediction in Cellular Networks: Which Information Is Needed?, in: 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), Lisbonne, Portugal, 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), IEEE, May 2017. -
54J.-M. Sanner, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, M. Ouzzif, G. Rubino.
An evolutionary controllers' placement algorithm for reliable SDN networks, in: ManSDN/NF 2017 - 4th International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems, Tokyo, Japan, November 2017, pp. 1-6. -
55J.-M. Sanner, M. Ouzzif, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for optimized placements of SDN controllers, VNFs and VNFs chains in new Telecom infrastructures, in: SDN Day 2017 - Software Defined Networks, Paris, France, November 2017. -
56F. Slim, F. Guillemin, A. Gravey, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
Towards a Dynamic Adaptive Placement of Virtual Network Functions under ONAP, in: Third International NFV-SDN'17-O4SDI - Workshop on Orchestration for Software-Defined Infrastructures), Berlin, Germany, November 2017, pp. 1-6. -
57F. Slim, F. Guillemin, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
On Virtual Network Functions' Placement in Future Distributed Edge Cloud, in: CloudNet 2017 - IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 2017 IEEE 6th International Conference on, IEEE, September 2017, pp. 1-4. [ DOI : 10.1109/CloudNet.2017.8071524 ] -
58F. Slim, F. Guillemin, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul.
CLOSE: A Costless Service Offloading Strategy for Distributed Edge Cloud, in: GTCC 2017 - IEEE Workshop on Game Theory in Computer Communications, Las Vegas, United States, January 2018. -
59B. Tuffin.
Network Neutrality: Modeling and Challenges and its Impact on Clouds: Keynote Talk, in: GECON 2017 - 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems & Services, Biarritz, France, September 2017. -
60L. Yala, P. Frangoudis, G. Lucarelli, A. Ksentini.
Balancing between cost and availability for CDNaaS resource placement, in: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore, Singapore, December 2017.
National Conferences with Proceedings
61N. Rivetti, E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, L. Querzoni, B. Sericola.
Ordonnancement dynamique pour un équilibrage de charge quasi-optimal dans les systèmes de traitement de flux, in: ALGOTEL 2017 - 19èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Quiberon, France, May 2017.
Conferences without Proceedings
62Y. Busnel, N. Riveei, A. Gal.
FlinkMan : Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Equipment with Apache Flink : Grand Challenge, in: DEBS '17 - 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, Barcelone, Spain, June 2017, pp. 274-279. [ DOI : 10.1145/3093742.3095099 ]
Scientific Popularization
63B. Tuffin.
La simulation de Monte-Carlo, in: Interstices, April 2017.
Other Publications
64I. Alawe, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, P. Bertin, A. Ksentini, D. Darche.
RNN-based traffic prediction for pro-active scaling of the AMF, November 2017, 1 p, SDN Day 2017 - Software Defined Networks Day, Poster. -
65C. Hardy, E. Le Merrer, G. Rubino, B. Sericola.
Evaluation of Random Neural Layers in Deep Neural Networks, December 2017, 1 p, NIPS 2017 - workshop Deep Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice, Poster. -
66C. Hardy, E. Le Merrer, B. Sericola.
Distributed deep learning on edge-devices in the Parameter Server Model, September 2017, 1 p, Workshop on Decentralized Machine Learning, Optimization and Privacy, Poster. -
67C. Hardy, E. Le Merrer, B. Sericola.
Distributed deep learning on edge-devices: feasibility via adaptive compression, October 2017, working paper or preprint. -
68P. L'Ecuyer, P. Wambergue, E. Bourceret.
Spectral Analysis of the MIXMAX Random Number Generators, 2017, working paper or preprint. -
69P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
Analysis of Sponsored Data in the Case of Competing Wireless Service Providers, 2017, working paper or preprint. -
70P. Maillé, B. Tuffin.
La fin des frais d'itinérance dans l'Union européenne en 2017, est-ce la panacée ?, 2017, working paper or preprint. -
71Y. Mocquard, B. Sericola, E. Anceaume.
Probabilistic Analysis of Rumor Spreading Time, November 2017, working paper or preprint.
72G. Rubino, B. Tuffin (editors)
Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo Methods, John Wiley & Sons, 2009. -
73W. J. Anderson.
Continuous-Time Markov Chains, Springer, 1991.