Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Pierre L'Ecuyer holds an Inria International Chair, Nov. 2013- Oct. 2018.

  • Marvin Nakayama (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA) visited us 3 days in October to work on the estimation of quantiles in the case of rare events.

  • Jonathan Olavarría, from UTFSM, Chile, from January to March (for two months), to work on stochastic models.

  • Prof. Leslie Murray, from University of Rosario, Argentina (one month, February) to work on Monte Carlo techniques for rare event analysis.

  • Jorge Graneri, from UDELAR, Uruguay (two months in the last quarter of the year, to work on biological applications).

  • Prof. Claudio Risso, from UDELAR, Uruguay (two weeks in the last quarter of the year, to work on time series predictions).

  • Prof. Gustavo Guerberoff, from UDELAR, Uruguay (two weeks in the last quarter of the year, to work on time series predictions).