Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Investissements d'Avenir

Digiscope - Collaborative Interaction with Complex Data and Computation
  • Type: EQUIPEX (Equipement d'Excellence)

  • Duration: 2011-2021

  • Coordinator: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Partners: FCS Paris-Saclay (coordinator), Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, CEA, Inria, Institut Mines-Telecom, Ecole Centrale Paris, Université Versailles - Saint-Quentin, ENS Cachan, Maison de la Simulation

  • Overall budget: 22.5 Meuros, including 6.7 Meuros public funding from ANR

  • Abstract: The goal of the project is to create ten high-end interactive rooms interconnected by high-speed networks and audio-video facilities to support remote collaboration across interactive visualization environments. The equipment will be open to outside users and targets four main application areas: scientific discovery, product lifetime management, decision support for crisis management, and education and training. Digiscope includes the existing WILD room, and funded the WILDER room. ExSitu contributes its expertise in the design and evaluation of advanced interaction techniques and the development of distributed software architectures for interactive systems. At the end of 2017, all ten rooms and the telepresence network are operational. The project was successfully evaluated by an international jury in June, 2017.