Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


First prize of the second Mathematics of Planet Earth international competition. Module "Simulating the melting of ice caps", authors M. Nodet and J. Erhel.

Best Paper Award:
M. Nodet, J. Erhel.

Simulating the melting of ice caps, 2017, This is an interactive module to explain to a wide audience the simulating of ice caps.Sea levels are rising for various reasons related to global warming. The glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland, known as ice caps or ice sheets, play a major role in sea level rise. Is it possible to predict future changes in these ice caps, and particularly the calving of icebergs into the ocean?The module answers to this question by showing numerical simulations of ice sheet dynamics.It can be viewed or downloaded at https://imaginary.org/program/simulating-the-melting-of-ice-caps.
