Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Undergraduate: “Introduction to Programming in Python”, 20 hours, 1st year, University of Bologna, Italy.
Undergraduate: “Optimization”, 36 hours, 2nd year, University of Bologna, Italy.
Master: “Foundations of Logic for Computer Science”, 24 Hours, 2nd year. University of Bologna, Italy.
Master: “Cryptography”, 36 Hours, 2nd year, University of Bologna, Italy.
PhD thesis completed in 2016:
Abel Garcia Celestrin, “Analysis of Cloud Computing Systems”. Supervisor C. Laneve.
Vincenzo Mastandrea, “Deadlock analysis in ASP”. Supervisors: Cosimo Laneve and Ludovic Henrio (CNRS Sophia Antipolis).
Valeria Vignudelli, “Behavioral Equivalences for Higher-Order Languages with Probabilities”. Supervisor D. Sangiorgi.
Below are the details on the PhD students in Focus: starting date, topic or provisional title of the thesis, supervisor(s). These are all PhDs in progress.
Raphaelle Crubillé, October 2015, “Bisimulation Metrics and Probabilistic Lambda Calculi”, Université Denis Diderot and University of Bologna. Supervisors Thomas Ehrhard and Ugo Dal Lago.
Adrien Durier, September 2016, "Proving behavioural properties of higher-order concurrent languages", ENS de Lyon and University of Bologna. Supervisors: Daniel Hirschkoff and Davide Sangiorgi.
Francesco Gavazzo, October 2015, “Coinductive Techniques for Effectful Lambda Calculi”. Supervisors U. Dal Lago and D. Sangiorgi.
Michael Lodi, January 2017, “Growth Mindset and Computational Thinking”. Supervisor: S. Martini.
Tong Liu, November 2015, “Constraint based languages for Software Defined Networks”. Supervisor: Maurizio Gabbrielli.
Stefano Pio Zingaro, November 2016, “High level languages for Internet of Things applications”. Supervisors: Maurizio Gabbrielli and Ivan Lanese.
M. Bravetti has been member of the PhD jury of Federica Panarotto, University of Verona, Italy, May 2017. U. Dal Lago has been member of the PhD jury of Pierre Vial, Université Denis-Diderot, December 2017. D. Hirschkoff has been member of the PhD evaluation committee for Yannick Zakowski, ENS Rennes, December 2017.