Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR projects
Participants : Armaël Guéneau, Xavier Leroy, François Pottier, Naomi Testard.
The “Vocal” project (2015–2020) aims at developing the first mechanically verified library of efficient general-purpose data structures and algorithms. It is funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche under its “appel à projets générique 2015”.
The library will be made available to all OCaml programmers and will be of particular interest to implementors of safety-critical OCaml programs, such as Coq, Astrée, Frama-C, CompCert, Alt-Ergo, as well as new projects. By offering verified program components, our work will provide the essential building blocks that are needed to significantly decrease the cost of developing new formally verified programs.
FUI Projects
Participants : Damien Doligez, Fabrice Le Fessant.
The “Secur-OCaml” project (2015–2018) is coordinated by the OCamlPro company, with a consortium focusing on the use of OCaml in security-critical contexts, while OCaml is currently mostly used in safety-critical contexts. Gallium is invoved in this project to integrate security features in the OCaml language, to build a new independant interpreter for the language, and to update the recommendations for developers issued by the former LaFoSec project of ANSSI.