Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Xavier Leroy participated in the program committee of the ACM symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2018), of the European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2018), and of the second Principles of Secure Compilation workshop (PRISC 2018).

Jean-Marie Madiot was a member of the program committee of the Interaction and Concurrency Experience Workshop (ICE 2017).

Michel Mauny was a member of the program committee for Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE 2017).

François Pottier was program chair of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE 2017) and a member of the program committee of the Journées Françaises des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2018).

Mike Rainey was a member of the program committee for the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2018).

Didier Rémy was a member of the program commitee of the International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2018).


Member of the Editorial Boards

Xavier Leroy is area editor (programming languages) for Journal of the ACM. He is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Automated Reasoning. Until June 2017, he was on the editorial board for the Research Highlights column of Communications of the ACM.

Michel Mauny is a member of the steering committee of the OCaml workshop.

François Pottier is a member of the ICFP steering committee and a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Functional Programming and the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages.

Didier Rémy is a member of the steering committee of the ML Family workshop.

Research Administration

Until September 2017, Xavier Leroy was an appointed member of Inria's Commission d'Évaluation. He participated in the following Inria hiring committees: jury d'admissibilité DR2 and jury d'admissibilité CR1.

François Pottier is a member of Inria Paris' Commission de Développement Technologique and the president of Inria Paris' Comité de Suivi Doctoral.

Didier Rémy is Deputy Scientific Director (ADS) in charge of Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture.