Section: New Results
Formal verification of compilers and static analyzers
The CompCert formally-verified compiler
Participants : Xavier Leroy, Daniel Kästner [AbsInt GmbH] , Michael Schmidt [AbsInt GmbH] , Bernhard Schommer [AbsInt GmbH] , Prashanth Mundkur [SRI International] .
In the context of our work on compiler verification (see section 3.3.1), since 2005 we have been developing and formally verifying a moderately-optimizing compiler for a large subset of the C programming language, generating assembly code for the ARM, PowerPC, RISC-V and x86 architectures [9]. This compiler comprises a back-end part, translating the Cminor intermediate language to PowerPC assembly and reusable for source languages other than C [8], and a front-end translating the CompCert C subset of C to Cminor. The compiler is mostly written within the specification language of the Coq proof assistant, from which Coq's extraction facility generates executable OCaml code. The compiler comes with a 100000-line, machine-checked Coq proof of semantic preservation establishing that the generated assembly code executes exactly as prescribed by the semantics of the source C program.
This year, we improved the CompCert C compiler in several directions:
The support for 64-bit target processors that was initiated last year was improved and released as part of version 3.0 of CompCert. CompCert has been supporting 64-bit integer arithmetic since 2013. However, pointers and memory addresses were still assumed to be 32 bits wide. CompCert 3.0 lifts this restriction by parameterizing the compiler over the bit width of memory addresses. This required extensive changes throughout the back-end compiler passes and their correctness proofs.
The x86 code generator, initially 32-bit only, was extended to handle 64-bit x86 as well. This is the first instantiation of the generic support for 64-bit target architectures mentioned above. This extension greatly improves the usability and performance of CompCert on servers and PCs, where x86 64-bit is the dominant architecture.
Support for the RISC-V processor architecture was added to CompCert. Prashanth Mundkur contributed a prototype port targeting 32-bit RISC-V. Xavier Leroy extended this port to target 64-bit RISC-V as well and to integrate it in CompCert 3.1. While not commercially available yet, the RISC-V architecture is used in many academic verification projects.
Several minor optimizations were added to address inefficiencies observed in AbsInt's customer code. The most notable one is the optimization of leaf functions to avoid return address reloads.
Error and warning messages were improved and made more like those of GCC and Clang. Command-line flags were added to control which warning to emit and which warnings to treat as fatal errors.
We released version 3.0 of CompCert in February 2017 incorporating support for 64-bit architectures, and version 3.1 in August 2017 incorporating the other enhancements listed above.
Two papers describing industrial uses of CompCert for critical software were written, with Daniel Kästner from AbsInt as lead author. The first paper [24] was presented at the 2017 symposium of the British Safety-Critical Systems Club. The second paper [23] will be presented in January 2018 at the ERTS congress. It describes the use of CompCert to compile software for nuclear power plant equipment developed by MTU Friedrichshafen, and the required certification of CompCert according to the IEC 60880 regulations for the nuclear industry.
A verified model of register aliasing in CompCert
Participants : Gergö Barany, Xavier Leroy.
In the setting of the ASSUME ITEA3 project, Gergö Barany and Xavier Leroy are working on implementing a CompCert back-end for the Kalray MPPA processor architecture. This architecture features pervasive register aliasing: each of its 64-bit registers can also be accessed as two separate 32-bit halves. The ARM architecture's floating-point register file is similarly aliased. Modifying a superregister invalidates the data stored in subregisters and vice versa; this behavior was not yet modeled in CompCert's semantics.
Integrating subregister aliasing in CompCert involved re-engineering much of its semantic model of the register file and of the call stack. Rather than simple mappings of locations to values, the register file and the stack are now modeled more realistically as blocks of memory containing bytes that represent fragments of values. In this way, we can verify a semantic model in which a 64-bit register or stack slot may contain either a single 64-bit value or a pair of two unrelated 32-bit values. This ongoing work is nearing completion.
Random program generation for compiler testing
Participant : Gergö Barany.
Randomized testing is a powerful tool for finding bugs in compilers. In a project aimed at finding missed compiler optimizations, Gergö Barany wanted to use such random testing techniques, but found that the standard random C program generator, Csmith, generates very large amounts of dead code. This is code whose results are never used and that can therefore be removed by the compiler.
The presence of large amounts of dead code prevents testing optimizations: almost all of the code is trivially removed by compilers' dead code elimination passes. Gergö resolved this problem by designing a new approach to random program generation. The new generator generates code backwards and performs a simultaneous liveness analysis of the program to rule out the generation of dead code. Its practical evaluation shows that it is much more efficient than Csmith at generating programs that compile to large amounts of machine code with a much more varied instruction mix than Csmith-generated code. In addition, the new generator is much faster than Csmith, because it is designed to work in a single, linear pass, without generating invalid states that cause backtracking. This work resulted in the development of the ldrgen tool, and was presented at LOPSTR 2017 [34].
Testing compiler optimizations
Participant : Gergö Barany.
Compilers should be correct, but they should ideally also generate machine code that is as efficient as possible. Gergö Barany started work on adapting compiler correctness testing techniques for testing the quality of the generated code.
In a differential testing approach, one generates random C programs, compiles them with different compilers, then compares the generated code. The comparison is done by a custom binary analysis tool that Gergö developed for this purpose. This tool assigns scores to programs according to various criteria such as the number of instructions, the number of reads from the stack (for comparing the quality of register spilling), or the numbers of various other classes of instructions affected by optimizations of interest. New criteria can be added using a simple plug-in system. If the binaries generated by different compilers are assigned different scores, the input program is considered interesting, and it is reduced to a minimal test case using an off-the-shelf program reducer (C-Reduce).
This automated process often results in small, simple examples of missed optimizations: optimizations that compilers should be able to perform, but that they failed to apply for various reasons. Gergö found previously unreported missing arithmetic optimizations, as well as individual cases of unnecessary register spilling, missed opportunities for register coalescing, dead stores, redundant computations, and missing instruction selection patterns. Several of these missed optimization issues were reported and fixed in the GCC, Clang, and CompCert compilers. An article describing this work is currently under review, and work is in progress on other binary analysis techniques that can find further missed optimizations.
Towards a verified compilation stack for concurrent programs
Participants : Jean-Marie Madiot, Andrew Appel [Princeton University] .
The verified compiler CompCert compiles programs from C to assembly while preserving their semantics, thus allowing formal reasoning on source programs, which is much more tractable than reasoning on assembly code. It is however limited to sequential programs, running as one thread on one processor. Jean-Marie Madiot is working to extend CompCert to shared-memory concurrency and to provide users with techniques to reason and prove properties about concurrent programs.
Concurrent Separation Logic is used to reason about source programs and prove their correctness with respect to a “concurrent permission machine”. The programs are compiled by a concurrency-aware version of CompCert. As of 2017, this has been done for the x86 architecture only.
This project is a continuation of a collaboration with Andrew Appel's team at Princeton University. Appel's team has been working for several years on the “Verified Software Toolchain” project, which provides users with tools to establish properties of sequential programs. Jean-Marie Madiot has been extending the program logic to shared-memory concurrency and developing a new proof of concurrent separation logic that is both formalised and usable in this setting. A paper has been submitted and rejected and is being improved.
Jean-Marie Madiot is now also working on a more general adaptation of CompCert to the reasoning principles of concurrency, and started a collaboration to adapt it to architectures other than x86 (see Section 7.3.4).
Verified compilation of Lustre
Participants : Xavier Leroy, Timothy Bourke [team Parkas] , Lélio Brun [team Parkas] , Pierre-Évariste Dagand [team Whisper] , Marc Pouzet [team Parkas] , Lionel Rieg [Yale University] .
The Velus project of team Parkas develops a compiler for the Lustre reactive language that generates CompCert Clight intermediate code and is proved correct using the Coq proof assistant. A paper describing the Velus compiler and its verification was presented at the conference PLDI 2017 [20]. Xavier Leroy contributed to the verification of the final pass of Velus, the one that translates from the Obc object-oriented intermediate language of Velus to the Clight C-like, early intermediate language of CompCert. The correctness proof of this pass captures the shape of memory states during execution using formulas from separation logic. The separation logic assertions for CompCert memory states used in this proof come from a library that Xavier Leroy developed last year to help revise the proof of the “stacking” pass of CompCert, and that Timothy Bourke and Xavier Leroy later extended with a “magic wand” operator.