Section: Research Program
Multiscale description in terms of multiplicative cascade
GEOSTAT is studying complex signals under the point of view of methods developed in statistical physics to study complex systems, with a strong emphasis on multiresolution analysis. Linear methods in signal processing refer to the standard point of view under which operators are expressed by simple convolutions with impulse responses. Linear methods in signal processing are widely used, from least-square deconvolution methods in adaptive optics to source-filter models in speech processing. Because of the absence of localization of the Fourier transform, linear methods are not successful to unlock the multiscale structures and cascading properties of variables which are of primary importance as stated by the physics of the phenomena. This is the reason why new approaches, such as DFA (Detrented Fluctuation Analysis), Time-frequency analysis, variations on curvelets [53] etc. have appeared during the last decades. Recent advances in dimensionality reduction, and notably in Compressive Sensing, go beyond the Nyquist rate in sampling theory using nonlinear reconstruction, but data reduction occur at random places, independently of geometric localization of information content, which can be very useful for acquisition purposes, but of lower impact in signal analysis. One important result obtained in GEOSTAT is the effective use of multiresolution analysis associated to optimal inference along the scales of a complex system. The multiresolution analysis is performed on dimensionless quantities given by the singularity exponents which encode properly the geometrical structures associated to multiscale organization. This is applied successfully in the derivation of high resolution ocean dynamics, or the high resolution mapping of gaseous exchanges between the ocean and the atmosphere; the latter is of primary importance for a quantitative evaluation of global warming. Understanding the dynamics of complex systems is recognized as a new discipline, which makes use of theoretical and methodological foundations coming from nonlinear physics, the study of dynamical systems and many aspects of computer science. One of the challenges is related to the question of emergence in complex systems: large-scale effects measurable macroscopically from a system made of huge numbers of interactive agents [38], [26], [58], [47]. Some quantities related to nonlinearity, such as Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy etc. can be computed at least in the phase space [27]. Consequently, knowledge from acquisitions of complex systems (which include complex signals) could be obtained from information about the phase space. A result from F. Takens [54] about strange attractors in transition turbulence has motivated the determination of discrete dynamical systems associated to time series [44], and consequently the theoretical determination of nonlinear characteristics associated to complex acquisitions. Emergence phenomena can also be traced inside complex signals themselves, by trying to localize information content geometrically. Fundamentally, in the nonlinear analysis of complex signals there are broadly two approaches: characterization by attractors (embedding and bifurcation) and time-frequency, multiscale/multiresolution approaches. Time-frequency analysis [37] and multiscale/multiresolution are the subjects of intense research and are profoundly reshaping the analysis of complex signals by nonlinear approaches [25], [41]. In real situations, the phase space associated to the acquisition of a complex phenomenon is unknown. It is however possible to relate, inside the signal's domain, local predictability to local reconstruction and deduce from that singularity exponents [11] [7]. We are working on:
the determination of quantities related to universality classses,
the geometric localization of multiscale properties in complex signals,
The alternative approach taken in GEOSTAT is microscopical, or geometrical: the multiscale structures which have their "fingerprint" in complex signals are being isolated in a single realization of the complex system, i.e. using the data of the signal itself, as opposed to the consideration of grand ensembles or a wide set of realizations. This is much harder than the ergodic approaches, but it is possible because a reconstruction formula such as the one derived in [55] is local and reconstruction in the signal's domain is related to predictability. This approach is analogous to the consideration of "microcanonical ensembles" in statistical mechanics.
A multiscale organization is a fundamental feature of a complex system, it can be for example related to the cascading properties in turbulent systems. We make use of this kind of description when analyzing turbulent signals: intermittency is observed within the inertial range and is related to the fact that, in the case of FDT, symmetry is restored only in a statistical sense, a fact that has consequences on the quality of any nonlinear signal representation by frames or dictionaries.
The example of FDT as a standard "template" for developing general methods that apply to a vast class of complex systems and signals is of fundamental interest because, in FDT, the existence of a multiscale hierarchy
The singularity exponents belong to a universality class, independently of microscopic properties in the phase space of various complex systems, and beyond the particular case of turbulent data (where the existence of a multiscale hierarchy, of multifractal nature, can be inferred directly from physical considerations). They describe common multiscale statistical organizations in different complex systems [52], and this is why GEOSTAT is working on nonlinear signal processing tools that are applied to very different types of signals.
For example we give some insight about the collaboration with LEGOS Dynbio team ( about high-resolution ocean dynamics from microcanonical formulations in nonlinear complex signal analysis. Indeed, synoptic determination of ocean circulation using data acquired from space, with a coherent depiction of its turbulent characteristics remains a fundamental challenge in oceanography. This determination has the potential of revealing all aspects of the ocean dynamic variability on a wide range of spatio-temporal scales and will enhance our understanding of ocean-atmosphere exchanges at super resolution, as required in the present context of climate change. We show that the determination of a multiresolution analysis associated to the multiplicative cascade of a typical physical variable like the Sea Surface Temperature permits an optimal inference of oceanic motion field across the scales, resulting in a new method for deriving super resolution oceanic motion from lower resolution altimetry data; the resulting oceanic motion field is validated at super resolution with the use of Lagrangian buoy data available from the Global Drifter Program ( In FDT, singularity exponents range in a bounded interval:
Having computed the singularity exponents at each point of a SST signal, a microcanonical version of the multiplicative cascade associated to the scaling properties of the sst becomes available. The idea of the existence of a geometrically localized multiplicative cascade goes back to [51]. The multiplicative cascade, written pointwise, introduces random variables
in which the equality is valid pointwise and not only in distribution. Inference of physical variables across the scales is optimized and consequently we describe the multiplicative cascade at each point