Section: New Software and Platforms


Synthetic Ground Truth Data Generation Platform

Keyword: Graphics

Functional Description: The goal of this platform is to render large numbers of realistic synthetic images for use as ground truth to compare and validate image-based rendering algorithms and also to train deep neural networks developed in our team.

This pipeline consists of tree major elements that are:

  • Scene exporter

  • Assisted point of view generation

  • Distributed rendering on Inria's high performance computing cluster

The scene exporter is able to export scenes created in the widely-used commercial modeler 3DSMAX to the Mitsuba opensource renderer format. It handles the conversion of complex materials and shade trees from 3DSMAX including materials made for VRay. The overall quality of the produced images with exported scenes have been improved thanks to a more accurate material conversion. The initial version of the exporter was extended and improved to provide better stability and to avoid any manual intervention.

From each scene we can generate a large number of images by placing multiple cameras. Most of the time those points of view has to be placed with a certain coherency. This task could be long and tedious. In the context of image-based rendering, cameras have to be placed in a row with a specific spacing. To simplify this process we have developed a set of tools to assist the placement of hundreds of cameras along a path.

The rendering is made with the open source renderer Mitsuba. The rendering pipeline is optimised to render a large number of point of view for single scene. We use a path tracing algorithm to simulate the light interaction in the scene and produce hight dynamic range images. It produces realistic images but it is computationally demanding. To speed up the process we setup an architecture that takes advantage of the Inria cluster to distribute the rendering on hundreds of CPUs cores.

The scene data (geometry, textures, materials) and the cameras are automatically transfered to remote workers and HDR images are returned to the user.

We already use this pipeline to export tens of scenes and to generate several thousands of images, which have been used for machine learning and for ground-truth image production.

  • Contact: George Drettakis