Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

  • Organization of DL 2017 (30th Workshop on Description Logics), Montpellier, July 2017. The DL workshop is the major annual event of the Description Logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences. Meghyn Bienvenu and Marie-Laure Mugnier were general co-chairs and the team GraphIK was in charge of the local organisation (Jean-François Baget, Pierre Bisquert, Stathis Delivorias, Abdelraouf Hecham, Federico Ulliana, Bruno Yun, and the team assistant, Annie Aliaga, were members of the organisation committee).


  • Co-organization of the Graph Based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Workshop associated with the IJCAI 2017 international conference. Madalina Croitoru, with Sebastian Rudolph (Univ Dresden), Pierre Marquis (Univ Artois) and Gem Stapleton (Univ Brighton), organized this event. This is the 5th edition of this workshop series that Madalina Croitoru initiated for IJCAI 2011.


  • Co-organization of the Workshop Reasoning on Data associated with The Web 2018 international conference (Lyon, March 2018). Marie-Laure Mugnier, with Catherine Roussey (Irstea) and Pierre Senellart (ENS Paris, Inria Valda team), are chairs of this workshop linked to the French national action 'Reasoning on Data' common to GDR MaDICS and IA.


  • Co-organization of the International Workshop on ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information (WASPIQ 2017) associated with the IEA/AIE 2017 conference (30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems). M.-L. Mugnier, with Odile Papini (LSIS), Salen Benferhat (CRIL) and Laurent Garcia (LERIA), organized this workshop linked to the ANR ASPIQ project.


  • Organization of a Special Track on “Agronomy and Artificial Intelligence” associated with the IEA/AIE 2017 conference (30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems). M. Croitoru and P. Bisquert organized this event.


Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Meghyn Bienvenu will be tutorial co-chair for the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2018.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

We are regularly members of the program committees of major conferences in AI or in databases (i.e., IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI, AAMAS, ICDT, PODS) and more focused conferences and workshops (such as RuleML+RR —Web reasoning and Rule Systems— and Description Logics). We also take part in the animation of the national community (JIAF, EGC, IC, BDA).

For 2017, we served in the following program committees:


  • IJCAI 2017 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) : 1 Senior PC + 2 PC

  • AAAI 2017 (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) : 2 PC

  • PODS 2017 (ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems) : 1 PC

  • ICDT 2017 (International Conference on Database Theory) : 1PC

  • ISWC 2017 (International Semantic Web Conference) : 1 PC

  • AAMAS 2017 (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) : 1 PC

  • RuleML+RR 2017 (International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning) : 2 PC

  • EFITA 2017 (European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment) : 2 PC

  • IEA/AIE 2017 (International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems) : 1 PC

  • FQAS 2017 (International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems) : 1 PC


  • JIAF 2017 (Journées Françaises d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale) : 1 PC

  • EGC 2017 (Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances) : 2 PC

  • IC 2017 (Ingénierie des Connaissances) : 1 PC

  • BDA 2017 (Conférence sur la gestion de données) : 1 PC

For 2018, we will serve in the following international program committees (list not exhaustive yet):

  • IJCAI-ECAI 2018 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence joint with the the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) : 2 Senior PC + 2 PC

  • AAAI 2018 (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) 1 Senior PC + 1 PC

  • RuleML+RR 2018 (International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning) : 1PC

  • FOIKS 2018 (International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems) : 1 PC

  • ROD 2018 (Reasoning on Data Workshop) @ The Web 2018 : 1 PC


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • ARIMA : “Revue africaine de la recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées” (P. Buche)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)

  • ACM Transactions on Computational Logics (ToCL)

  • Information Systems Journal

  • Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal (DAPD)

  • EURO Journal on Decision Processes (EJPD) : Special issue on Supporting and Explaining Decision Processes by means of Argumentation

Invited Talks and Seminars

  • J.-F. Baget, “Computing repairs (and more) with Answer Set Programming”, Workshop on ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information (WASPIQ 2017) June 2017.

  • F. Ulliana, “Ontology-Mediated Query Answering and Heterogeneous Data” 1ère journée ROD (Reasoning on Data), June 2017.

  • M. Bienvenu, "Query Rewriting: Limits and Possibilities", KR seminar, Department of Computer Science of the University of Toronto, December 2017.

  • R. Thomopoulos, `Science for Food and Bioproduct Engineering at INRA: a knowledge engineering perspective", Seminar at ATEI Thessaloniki, Greece (November 2017).

  • P. Buche, “Ingénierie des connaissances pour l’aide à la décision dans la filière agroalimentaire”, 6ème rencontre ESOF (EuroScienceOpen Forum) sur la transformation numérique des agrochaînes, Toulouse, October 2017.

  • M.-L. Mugnier, “Accès aux données médiatisé par une ontologie”, 25th Anniversary of the LIRMM laboratory, November 2017.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier, “Accès aux données médiatisé par des connaissances”, First seminar of the axis “Système d’information, stockage et transfert de données” of #DigitAg, November 2017

  • P. Buche, “Retour d’expérience d’une pratique Open Science au sein du département CEPIA”, Séminaire annuel du département INRA CEPIA à Magny-le-Hongre, Session Open Science, Octobre 2017.

  • J. Fortin, “Capitaliser l'expertise et la rendre accessible : la démarche Docamex”, Séminaire INRA/CEPIA, 2017.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier, together with Marie-Christine Rousset (LIG), Véronique Bellon (ITAP, IRSTEA/SupAgro) and Olivier Palombi (LDAF-CHU Grenoble-Alpes) launched a national action (2017-2018, 2 years), named Reasoning on Data (Rod), common to CNRS research groups ('GDR') IA (formal and algorithmic aspects of artificial intelligence) and MaDICS (Big Data, Data Science). The aim of this action is to build a national community on the issue of knowledge representation and reasoning oriented towards better exploiting data. The first meeting was held in June 2017 within the MaDICS annual workshop. The second meeting will be held in March 2017 in association with the RoD workshop at the conference The Web 2018. For more detail, see http://www.lirmm.fr/rod/

  • Patrice Buche he coordinates both the CATI (Ingénierie des Connaissances et Analyse Textuelle) INRA group (https://www6.inra.fr/cati-icat) and the INRA IN-OVIVE group (www6.inra.fr/reseau-in-ovive) for which he organized an invited session at EFITA'2017.

  • Rallou Thomopoulos is coordinator of the INRA-CEPIA transversal programs on knowledge and model integration, multiperformance design, and ethical issues.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier is member of the animating committee of the GDR IA (formal and algorithmic aspects of artificial intelligence).

Scientific Expertise

  • Rallou Thomopoulos has been elected member of the Scientific Committee of the INRA-CEPIA research division for the period 2016-2020.