Section: Research Program
Graph-based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Besides logical foundations, we are interested in KR formalisms that comply, or aim at complying with the following requirements: to have good computational properties and to allow users of knowledge-based systems to have a maximal understanding and control over each step of the knowledge base building process and use.
These two requirements are the core motivations for our graph-based approach to KR. We view labelled graphs as an abstract representation of knowledge that can be expressed in many KR languages (different kinds of conceptual graphs —historically our main focus—, the Semantic Web language RDF (Resource Description Framework), its extension RDFS (RDF Schema), expressive rules equivalent to the so-called tuple-generating-dependencies in databases, some description logics dedicated to query answering, etc.). For these languages, reasoning can be based on the structure of objects, thus based on graph-theoretic notions, while staying logically founded.
More precisely, our basic objects are labelled graphs (or hypergraphs)
representing entities and relationships between these entities. These graphs
have a natural translation in first-order logic. Our basic reasoning tool is
graph homomorphism. The fundamental property is that graph homomorphism is
sound and complete with respect to logical entailment i.e., given two
(labelled) graphs