Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Emmanuel Baccelli, “Operating Systems for Small Connected Devices in the Internet of Things”, 3h cours magistral, Formation PESTO Corps des Mines, Telecom ParisTech, Paris France
Licence: Aline C. Viana, “Toward a more Tactful Networking”, 2h TD, niveau L3, Federal University of Goias (UFG) and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Licence: Aline C. Viana, “Opportunistic communication in disconnected mobile Ad Hoc networks”, 6h TD, niveau L3, Telecom SudParis, France
Licence: Cédric Adjih, “Microcontrollers: from embedded systems to the Internet of Things”, 3h TD, Niveau L3, Telecom SudParis, France
Licence: Laurent Massoulie, “Networks: distributed control and emerging phenomena”, 18h TD, Niveau L3, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Master : Aline C. Viana, “Toward a more Tactful Networking”, 2h TD, niveau M2, Federal University of Goias (UFG), Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Master : Aline C. Viana, “Toward a more Tactful Networking”, 3h TD, niveau M2, Telecom SudParis, France
Master : Aline C. Viana, Master Project evaluation, 4h TD, niveau M2, Telecom SudParis, France
Doctorat : Aline C. Viana, “Toward a more Tactful Networking”, 2h TD, Federal University of Goias (UFG) and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
PhD: Guangshuo Chen, “Human habits investigation: From mobility reconstruction to mobile traffic prediction”, Ecole Polytechnique, March 2018, Aline C. Viana.
PhD in progress: (1) Rafael Costa, “Infering friends in the crowd in Device-to-Device communication”, June 2016, Aline C. Viana and Leobino Sampaio (co-tutele); (2) Roni Shigetta, “Distributed channel allocation strategy based on human behavior”, January 2014, Aline C. Viana and Mauro Fonseca (co-tutele).
PhD in progress: Loic Dauphin, “IoT Robotics”, June 2016, Emmanuel Baccelli and Cédric Adjih co-supervision.
Aline Viana will be on the PhD jury as reviewer of: Florent Coriat, “Geolocalisation en situation de crise”, UPMC ? Sorbonne Universitï¿œs, France, may 2018.
Aline Viana was on the PhD jury as examiner of: (1) S. Eddine Belouanas, “Dessemination de contenus populaires et tolerants au delai dans les reseaux cellulaires”, UPMC ? Sorbonne Universitï¿œs, France, September 2017; (2) P. Salgueiro Santos,“Wireless Protocols and Channel Estimation for Data Gathering with Mobile Nodes”, Univ. of Porto, Portugal, May 2017; (3) Amal Ellouzem, "Mobile Applications Offloading in Mobile Cloud Environment", Telecom ParisTech, France, March 2017.
Aline C. Viana was on the PhD jury as invited member of Tanel Razafimandimby "Toward Internet of Heterogeneous Things: Wireless communication maintenance and efficient data sharing among devices", University Lille 1, Inria Lille, France, October 2017.
Aline C. Viana was on the PhD Qualification jury as examiner of T. Duc Ha, "Allocation de ressources et association utilisateur/cellule optimisees pour les reseaux C-RAN" (Univ. Paris Sud, 2017);
Aline C. Viana was on the Master jury of Bruno Farias Fausto "Um mecanismo de deteccao e controle de congestionamento usando redes ad hoc veiculares sem infraestrutura", Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, October 2017.
Laurent Massoulié was on the PhD jury as reviewer for the PhD theses of Anna Benhamou and Alaa Saade, and he presided the PhD thesis committee of Kevin Scaman.