Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The INFINE proposal aims to design and analyse novel communication paradigms, protocols and architectures based on concepts of ultra distributed, information- and user-centric networking. The project is motivated by the recent and forthcoming evolution of Internet uses. Based on an information- and user-centric perspective, not only does it address issues pertaining to physical communication networks such as traffic routing, regulation and caching, but also issues about online social networks such as content recommendation and privacy protection.

INFINE team is engaged in research along three main themes: Online social networking, Traffic and Resource Management, and Spontaneous Wireless Networks. All these research activities encompass both theoretical research (on elaboration of models, algorithms, protocols and formal characterization of their performance), and applied research (to validate and/or experiment the proposed concepts against real networking scenarios). INFINE fits in the theme ”Networks and Telecommunications” of the research field ”Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing” at Inria.