Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Joëlle Thollot [contact] , Hugo Loi.

The MAPSTYLE project aims at exploring the possibilities offered by cartography and expressive rendering to propose original and new cartographic representations. Through this project, we target two types of needs. On the one hand, mapping agencies produce series paper maps with some renderings that are still derived from drawings made by hand 50 years ago: for example, rocky areas in the series TOP25 (to 1/25000) of the French Institut Géographique National (IGN). The rendering of these rocky areas must be automated and its effectiveness retained to meet the requirements of hikers safety. On the other hand, Internet mapping tools allow any user to become a cartographer. However, they provide default styles that cannot be changed (GeoPortal, Google Maps) or they are editable but without any assistance or expertise (CloudMade). In such cases, as in the case of mobile applications, we identify the need to offer users means to design map styles more personalised and more attractive to meet their expectations (decision-making, recreation, etc.) and their tastes. The grant started on October 2012, for 48 months.

ANR: Materials

Participants : Nicolas Holzschuch [contact] , Romain Vergne.

We are funded by the ANR for a joint research project on acquisition and restitution of micro-facet based materials. This project is in cooperation with Océ Print Logic technologies, the Museum of Ethnography at the University of Bordeaux and the Manao team at Inria Bordeaux. The grant started in October 2015, for 48 months.

CDP: Patrimalp 2.0

Participants : Nicolas Holzschuch [contact] , Romain Vergne.

The main objective and challenge of Patrimalp 2.0 is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach in order to get a better knowledge of the material cultural heritage in order to ensure its sustainability, valorization and diffusion in society. Carried out by members of UGA laboratories, combining skills in human sciences, geosciences, digital engineering, material sciences, in close connection with stakeholders of heritage and cultural life, curators and restorers, Patrimalp 2.0 intends to develop of a new interdisciplinary science: Cultural Heritage Science. The grant starts in January 2018, for a period of 48 months.


Participant : Cyril Soler [contact] .

Computing photorealistic images relies on the simulation of light transfer in a 3D scene, typically modeled using geometric primitives and a collection of reflectance properties that represent the way objects interact with light. Estimating the color of a pixel traditionally consists in integrating contributions from light paths connecting the light sources to the camera sensor at that pixel.

In this ANR we explore a transversal view of examining light transport operators from the point of view of infinite dimensional function spaces of light fields (imagine, e.g., reflectance as an operator that transforms a distribution of incident light into a distribution of reflected light). Not only are these operators all linear in these spaces but they are also very sparse. As a side effect, the sub-spaces of light distributions that are actually relevant during the computation of a solution always boil down to a low dimensional manifold embedded in the full space of light distributions.

Studying the structure of high dimensional objects from a low dimensional set of observables is a problem that becomes ubiquitous nowadays: Compressive sensing, Gaussian processes, harmonic analysis and differential analysis, are typical examples of mathematical tools which will be of great relevance to study the light transport operators.

Expected results of the fundamental-research project CALiTrOp, are a theoretical understanding of the dimensionality and structure of light transport operators, bringing new efficient lighting simulation methods, and efficient approximations of light transport with applications to real time global illumination for video games.