Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: Quantitative methods in stochastic homogenization.

  • Programm: FP7.

  • Duration: February 2014 - August 2017.

  • Coordinator: Inria.

  • Partner: Département de mathématique, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).

  • Inria contact: Antoine Gloria.

  • This proposal deals with the development of quantitative tools in stochastic homogenization, and their applications to materials science. Three main challenges will be addressed. First, a complete quantitative theory of stochastic homogenization of linear elliptic equations will be developed starting from results we recently obtained on the subject combining tools originally introduced for statistical physics, such as spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, with elliptic regularity theory. The ultimate goal is to prove a central limit theorem for solutions to elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. The second challenge consists in developing an adaptive multiscale numerical method for diffusion in inhomogeneous media. Many powerful numerical methods were introduced in the last few years, and analyzed in the case of periodic coefficients. Relying on my recent results on quantitative stochastic homogenization, we have made a sharp numerical analysis of these methods, and introduced more efficient variants, so that the three academic examples of periodic, quasi-periodic, and random stationary diffusion coefficients can be dealt with efficiently. The emphasis of this challenge is put on the adaptivity with respect to the local structure of the diffusion coefficients, in order to deal with more complex examples of interest to practitioners. The last and larger objective is to make a rigorous connection between the continuum theory of nonlinear elastic materials and polymer-chain physics through stochastic homogenization of nonlinear problems and random graphs. Analytic and numerical preliminary results show the potential of this approach. We plan to derive explicit constitutive laws for rubber from polymer chain properties, using the insight of the first two challenges. This requires a good understanding of polymer physics in addition to qualitative and quantitative stochastic homogenization.


M. Simon is a collaborator of the ERC HyLEF project.

  • Title: Hydrodynamic Limits and Equilibrium Fluctuations: universality from stochastic systems.

  • Duration: May 2017 - April 2022.

  • Coordinator: P. Gonçalves, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.

  • A classical problem in the field of interacting particle systems (IPS) is to derive the macroscopic laws of the thermodynamical quantities of a physical system by considering an underlying microscopic dynamics which is composed of particles that move according to some prescribed stochastic, or deterministic, law. The macroscopic laws can be partial differential equations (PDE) or stochastic PDE (SPDE) depending on whether one is looking at the convergence to the mean or to the fluctuations around that mean.

    One of the purposes of this research project is to give a mathematically rigorous description of the derivation of SPDE from different IPS. We will focus on the derivation of the stochastic Burgers equation (SBE) and its integrated counterpart, namely, the KPZ equation, as well as their fractional versions. The KPZ equation is conjectured to be a universal SPDE describing the fluctuations of randomly growing interfaces of 1d stochastic dynamics close to a stationary state. With this study we want to characterize what is known as the KPZ universality class: the weak and strong conjectures. The latter states that there exists a universal process, namely the KPZ fixed point, which is a fixed point of the renormalization group operator of spacetime scaling 1:2:3, for which the KPZ is also invariant. The former states that the fluctuations of a large class of 1d conservative microscopic dynamics are ruled by stationary solutions of the KPZ.

    Our goal is threefold: first, to derive the KPZ equation from general weakly asymmetric systems, showing its universality; second, to derive new SPDE, which are less studied in the literature, as the fractional KPZ from IPS which allow long jumps, the KPZ with boundary conditions from IPS in contact with reservoirs or with defects, and coupled KPZ from IPS with more than one conserved quantity. Finally, we will analyze the fluctuations of purely strong asymmetric systems, which are conjectured to be given by the KPZ fixed point.