Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Stefan Haar taught one half of L3 level class on Formal Languages at ENS Paris-Saclay (15 h CM, 22.5 EQTD).
Serge Haddad is professor at ENS Paris-Saclay. Claudine Picaronny, Thomas Chatain, and Stefan Schwoon are associate professors of the same university.
Serge Haddad is the head of the Computer Science Department, and Stefan Schwoon is in charge of the L3 formation.
Claudine Picaronny is a co-director of the ENS Paris-Saclay’s Mathematics department and a member of the juries of the `agrégation interne de Mathématiques’ and of the second `concours de Mathématiques’ of ENS Paris-Saclay; she is also the coordinator of the mathematics/computer science examination of E3A, parts MP and MC.
Matthias Függer is teaching "Initiation à la recherche" at ENS Paris-Saclay.
Theses in progress:
Hugues Mandon, ENS Paris-Saclay since October 2016, on computational models and algorithms for the prediction of Cell Reprogramming Strategies, co-supervised by Stefan Haar and L. Paulevé (LRI)
Juraj Kolc̆ák, , ENS Paris-Saclay since March 2017, on Unfoldings and Abstract Interpretation for Parametric Biological Regulatory Networks, co-supervised by Stefan Haar and L. Paulevé (LRI).
Adnane Saoud, Université Paris-Saclay since 2016, jointly supervised by Laurent Fribourg and Antoine Girard (Centrale-Supelec).
Engel Lefaucheux, ENS Paris-Saclay since 2015, Controlling information in probabilistic systems, jointly supervised by Nathalie Bertrand (SUMO team) and Serge Haddad
Yann Duplouy, IRT SystemX since 2015, Application of formal methods to the development of embedded systems for autonomous vehicles, supervised by Béatrice Bérard and Serge Haddad.
Robert Najvirt (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), realistic delay models with applica- tions in high-speed and low-power circuits, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and Andreas Steininger.
Martin Perner (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), clock generation on-chip and formalisms suitable to prove correct VLSI circuits, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and Ulrich Schmid.
Juergen Maier (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), on realistic delay models with applications in high-speed and low-power circuits, with focus on noise and high-order models, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and with Ulrich Schmid.
Laurent Fribourg was a member of the Jury of Irini-Eleftheria Mens's PhD Thesis on “Learning regular languages over large alphabets", defended at University of Grenoble, October 2017.
Stefan Haar was a reviewer of the thesis by Guillaume Madelaine on 'Simplifications Exactes et Structurelles de Réseaux de Réactions Biologiques', defended on February 28 at Lille University, France.
reviewer in the jury of Bruno Karelovic on Quantitative Analysis of Stochastic Systems – Priority Games and Populations of Markov Chains on July 7 2017, University Paris 7
president of the jury of Nicolas David on Réseaux de Petri à Paramètres Discrets on October 20 University Nantes
reviewer in the jury of Thomas Geffroy on Vers des outils efficaces pour la vérification de systèmes concurrents on December 12 2017, University Bordeaux
Claudine Picaronny was Member of the jury of Pierre Carlier's Thesis on 'Verification of Stochastic Timed Automata', on the 8th of december 2017, Mons, Belgium