Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
David Cazier contributed to the organization of the Annual workshop of the Animation & Simulation group of the GDR IGRV of the CNRS in Strasbourg.
Reviewing Activities
Stephane Cotin provided reviews for: Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions, Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
Igor Peterlik provided reviews for: Int. Conf. of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society
Antoine Petit provided reviews for: International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Reviewing Activities
Stephane Cotin provided reviews for: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
David Cazier provided reviews for: Computer-Aided Design, Visual Computer, Computer & Graphics, Int. Journal on Virtual Reality
Antoine Petit provided reviews for: International Journal Of Robotics Research, Robotics and Automation Letters
Christoph Paulus provided reviews for: MDPI Journal Symmetry
Lionel Untereiner provided reviews for: Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms of Concurrency and Computation
Invited Talks
Keynote lecture by S. Cotin at 10th Medical Korea conference (Seoul, South Korea)
Invited lecture by S. Cotin FMTS conference (Strasbourg, France)
Invited lecture by S. Cotin B.E.S.T. symposium (Strasbourg, France)
Invited talk by S. Cotin at Fraunhofer MEVIS lab (Bremen, Germany)
Invited lecture by S. Cotin at European Computer-Assisted Liver Surgery Society (Mainz, Germany)
Invited lecture by S. Cotin at 127th annual meeting of the French Ophthalmology Association (Paris, France)
Invited lecture by S. Cotin at the French Academy of Surgery (Paris, France)
Scientific Expertise
Igor Peterlik has been providing a scientific expertise at Masaryk University, Czech Republic as a consultant and co-investigator of a project unded by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: Development of Reliable Methods for Automated Quantitative Characterization of Cell Motility in Fluorescence Microscopy.
Research Administration
David Cazier is a member and local coordinator for a CITEPH project Paleo GTM: A Paleo Geological and Topological Modeler. Subject and expected contributions: multiresolution meshing and visualization for handling of massive geological data.
The project started in Sep 2017 (duration 2 years) and involves following partners: