
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1B. Alper, N. H. Riche, F. Chevalier, J. Boy, M. Sezgon.

    Visualization literacy at elementary school, in: Proceedings of CHI'17, ACM, May 2017, pp. 5485-5497.

  • 2G. Bailly, T. Pietrzak, J. Deber, D. J. Wigdor.

    Metamorphe: augmenting hotkey usage with actuated keys, in: Proceedings of CHI'13, ACM, April 2013, pp. 563-572.

  • 3F. Calegario, M. Wanderley, S. Huot, G. Cabral, G. Ramalho.

    A method and toolkit for digital musical instruments: generating ideas and prototypes, in: IEEE MultiMedia, January 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 63-71.

  • 4G. Casiez, S. Conversy, M. Falce, S. Huot, N. Roussel.

    Looking through the eye of the mouse: a simple method for measuring end-to-end latency using an optical mouse, in: Proceedings of UIST'15, ACM, November 2015, pp. 629-636.

  • 5G. Casiez, N. Roussel.

    No more bricolage! Methods and tools to characterize, replicate and compare pointing transfer functions, in: Proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011, pp. 603-614.

  • 6A. Cockburn, C. Gutwin, J. Scarr, S. Malacria.

    Supporting novice to expert transitions in user interfaces, in: ACM Computing Surveys, November 2014, vol. 47, no 2.

  • 7A. Gupta, T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel, R. Balakrishnan.

    Direct manipulation in tactile displays, in: Proceedings of CHI'16, ACM, May 2016, pp. 3683-3693.

  • 8R. H. Kazi, F. Chevalier, T. Grossman, S. Zhao, G. Fitzmaurice.

    DRACO: bringing life to illustrations with kinetic textures, in: Proceedings of CHI'14, ACM, April 2014, pp. 351-360.

  • 9S. Malacria, G. Bailly, J. Harrison, A. Cockburn, C. Gutwin.

    Promoting hotkey use through rehearsal with ExposeHK, in: Proceedings of CHI'13, ACM, April 2013, pp. 573-582.

  • 10M. Nancel, D. Vogel, B. De Araùjo, R. Jota, G. Casiez.

    Next-point prediction metrics for perceived spatial errors, in: Proceedings of UIST'16, ACM, October 2016, pp. 271-285.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 12J. Aceituno, S. Malacria, P. Quinn, N. Roussel, A. Cockburn, G. Casiez.

    The design, use, and performance of edge-scrolling techniques, in: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, January 2017, vol. 97, pp. 58 - 76. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.08.001 ]

  • 13F. Calegario, S. Huot, M. M. Wanderley, G. Cabral, G. Ramalho.

    A Method and Toolkit for Digital Musical Instruments: Generating Ideas and Prototypes, in: IEEE MultiMedia, February 2017, vol. 24, no 1, 9 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/MMUL.2017.18 ]

  • 14A. Goguey, D. Vogel, F. Chevalier, T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel, G. Casiez.

    Leveraging finger identification to integrate multi-touch command selection and parameter manipulation, in: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, March 2017, vol. 99, pp. 21-36. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.11.002 ]

  • 15J. Mathew, S. Huot, B. F. G. Katz.

    Survey and implications for the design of new 3D audio production and authoring tools, in: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, April 2017, 11 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/s12193-017-0245-z ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 18A. Antoine, S. Malacria, G. Casiez.

    ForceEdge: Controlling Autoscroll on Both Desktop and Mobile Computers Using the Force, in: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17), Denver, United States, May 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025605 ]

  • 19S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov, G. Casiez.

    Frequency Domain Forecasting Approach for Latency Reduction in Direct Human-Computer Interaction, in: CDC 2017 - 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 1-6.

  • 20M. Baloup, V. Oudjail, G. Casiez.

    libParamTuner : interactive tuning of parameters without code recompilation, in: 29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Poitiers, France, AFIHM (editor), AFIHM, August 2017, 2 p.

  • 21J. Barbosa, M. M. Wanderley, S. Huot.

    Exploring Playfulness in NIME Design: The Case of Live Looping Tools, in: NIME 2017 - 17th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aalborg University, May 2017, pp. 87-92.

  • 22G. Casiez, T. Pietrzak, D. Marchal, S. Poulmane, M. Falce, N. Roussel.

    Characterizing Latency in Touch and Button-Equipped Interactive Systems, in: UIST 2017, Québec, Canada, UIST 2017, October 2017.

  • 23A. Evain, F. Argelaguet, N. Roussel, G. Casiez, A. Lécuyer.

    Can I Think of Something Else when Using a BCI? Cognitive Demand of an SSVEP-based BCI, in: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, United States, May 2017, pp. 5120-5125. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3026037 ]

  • 24N. Fellion, T. Pietrzak, A. Girouard.

    FlexStylus: leveraging flexion input for pen interaction, in: UIST 2017, Québec, Canada, UIST 2017, October 2017, pp. 2482 - 2489. [ DOI : 10.1088/0957-0233/13/10/303 ]

  • 25E. Giannisakis, G. Bailly, S. Malacria, F. Chevalier.

    IconHK: Using Toolbar Button Icons to Communicate Keyboard Shortcuts, in: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17), Denver, United States, May 2017, 12 p. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025595 ]

  • 26M. Glueck, M. Pakdaman Naeini, F. Doshi-Velez, F. Chevalier, A. Khan, D. J. Wigdor, M. Brudno.

    PhenoLines: Phenotype Comparison Visualizations for Disease Subtyping via Topic Models, in: IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST 2017), Phoenix, United States, 2017.

  • 27A. Gupta, T. Pietrzak, C. Yau, N. Roussel, R. Balakrishnan.

    Summon and Select: Rapid Interaction with Interface Controls in Mid-air, in: ISS 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom, ISS 2017, October 2017.

  • 28K. Katsuragawa, A. Kamal, E. Lank.

    Effect of Motion-Gesture Recognizer Error Pattern on User Workload and Behavior, in: IUI 2017 - 22nd annual meeting of the Intelligent User Interfaces community, Limassol, Cyprus, ACM, March 2017, pp. 439-449. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025171.3025234 ]

  • 29D. Masson, A. Goguey, S. Malacria, G. Casiez.

    WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibration Sensors, in: UIST 2017 - 30th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Québec, Canada, October 2017, 8 p. [ DOI : 10.1145/3126594.3126619 ]

  • 30M. Nancel, E. Lank.

    Modeling User Performance on Curved Constrained Paths, in: ACM CHI 2017 - ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, United States, May 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025951 ]

  • 31T. Pietrzak, G. Bailly, S. Malacria.

    Actuated Peripherals as Tangibles in Desktop Interaction, in: ETIS 2017, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 2017, 4 p.

  • 32N. K. C. Pong.

    Understanding and Increasing Users' Interaction Vocabulary, in: 29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Poitiers, France, AFIHM (editor), AFIHM, August 2017, 4 p, Rencontres doctorales.

  • 33T. Raffaillac, S. Huot, S. Ducasse.

    Turning Function Calls Into Animations, in: The 9th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, ACM, June 2017, 6 p. [ DOI : 10.1145/3102113.3102134 ]

  • 34H. Si-Mohammed, F. Argelaguet, G. Casiez, N. Roussel, A. Lécuyer.

    Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented Reality: A State of the Art, in: Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz, Austria, September 2017. [ DOI : 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-82 ]

  • 35S. Siddhpuria, K. Katsuragawa, J. R. Wallace, E. Lank.

    Exploring At-Your-Side Gestural Interaction for Ubiquitous Environments, in: DIS 2017 - ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, DIS '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, ACM, June 2017, pp. 1111-1122. [ DOI : 10.1145/3064663.3064695 ]

  • 36J. Wang, J. Malloch, S. Huot, F. Chevalier, M. Wanderley.

    Versioning and Annotation Support for Collaborative Mapping Design, in: Sound and Music Computing Conference, Espoo, Finland, Aalto University, July 2017, pp. 275-278.


Other Publications

  • 37C. Frisson, J. Decaudin, T. Pietrzak, A. A. Ng, P. A. Poncet, F. A. Casset, A. A. Latour, S. A. Brewster.

    Designing Vibrotactile Widgets with Printed Actuators and Sensors, UIST 2017, October 2017, http://thomaspietrzak.com/download.php?f=frisson17.pdf, Poster.

  • 38H. Mehta, A. Chalbi, F. Chevalier, C. Collins.

    DataTours: A Data Narratives Framework, October 2017, pp. 1-2, IEEE InfoVis 2017 - IEEE Information Visualization conference, Poster.

References in notes
  • 39J. Aceituno.

    Direct and expressive interaction on the desktop: increasing granularity, extent, and dimensionality, Université Lille 1, France, Octobre 2015, 240 pages.
  • 40M. Chalmers, A. Galani.

    Seamful interweaving: heterogeneity in the theory and design of interactive systems, in: Proceedings of DIS'04, ACM, 2004, pp. 243-252.

  • 41D. C. Engelbart.

    Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework, Stanford Research Institute, October 1962, no AFOSR-3233.

  • 42M. Heidegger.

    Sein und zeit, Max Niemeyer Verlag, February 1927.
  • 43A. Lee, K. Song, H. B. Ryu, J. Kim, G. Kwon.

    Fingerstroke time estimates for touchscreen-based mobile gaming interaction, in: Human Movement Science, 2015, vol. 44, no Supplement C, pp. 211 - 224. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.humov.2015.09.003 ]

  • 44E. Pacherie.

    The phenomenology of action: a conceptual framework, in: Cognition, 2008, vol. 107, no 1, pp. 179 - 217.
