Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Mjolnir/UCLIC associate team (Inria Lille, 2015-2017)

Participants : Sylvain Malacria [correspondent] , Nicolas Roussel.

The goal of this project, whose funding ends 2017, is the design and implementation of novel cross-device systems and interaction techniques. Thanks to this funding, the Mjolnir group and UCLIC are currently working on two scientific research projects. The first one investigates the design of notification systems for smart watches, smartphones, and in distributed computing environments based on device proximity, location, and time. A group of three Computer Science students from UCL is currently designing and implementing the first prototype of this system. The second project studies the influence of the shape and color of icons on visual search, on smartphones and smartwatches. In addition, UCLIC and the Mjolnir group also collaborate on the design and implementation of a software tool for helping HCI researchers to create non-photorealistic figures aimed at illustrating interaction techniques.

Partner: University College London Interaction Centre (United Kingdom).