New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

G. Carlier has corganized CMO-BIRS 17w5093.

J-D. Benamou has co-organized Brenier 60.

J-D. Benamou has co-organized MFO workshop 1705 (February).


Member of the Editorial Boards

Guillaume Carlier is in the board of Journal de l'école Polytechnique, Applied Mathematics and optimization (since 2016) and Mathematics and financial economics, with Filippo Santambrogio and Thierry Champion he co-edited a special issues of RICAM Series devoted to optimal transport. G. Peyré is editor for SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences and Springer Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. He co-edited a special issues of RICAM Series devoted to inverse problems.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The members of the team are frequently reviewing papers in SIIMS (SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences), JMAA (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications), IPol (Image Processing Online), JVCI (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation), COCV, M2AN ... Discrete and computational geometry, Journal of the London Math Society, JOTA, JCP, “Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA”, JMIV, Optimization Letters, PAMI, SIAM optimization and control, IPMI, MICCAI (leading conferences in medical imaging), IEEE Information Theory, ICLR, NIPS, ICML (important machine learning conferences).

Invited Talks

Y. De Castrogave talks at Séminaire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, and Séminaire de Probabilités de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, Groupe de Travail “Gaussian Process” Université Jean Monnet, St-Etienne, Séminaire de Probabilités de Lille, Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistique de Liège, Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistique de Versailles, LMV, Séminaire de Statistique de Toulouse, IMT, Groupe de Travail “Sequential Structured Statistical Learning”, IHES, Cambridge Statistics Seminar, Cambridge, UK.

G. Carlier gave talks in Banff, Victoria, Naples, Le Teich, Toulouse (conference in honor of P. Cattiaux and C. Léonard), Paris (conference in honor of Y. Brenier, functional analysis seminar at IMJ and Game theory seminar at IHP), PGMO Days Paris Saclay.

J-D. Benamou was invited speaker at FOCM (Barcelona, July), CEMRACS (CIRM, July), Conf. in Honor of P. Joly (Gif, September) SPO (IHP, October) .

I. Waldspurger gave talks at Journées EDP (Roscoff, June), and at workshops on phase retrieval (Minneapolis, August) and on generative models, parameter learning and sparsity (Cambridge, October). She also gave a mini-course at Journées de géométrie algorithmique (Aussois, December).

V. Duval has given talks at the SPOC seminar (Université de Dijon, January) and Statistics seminar (Télécom ParisTech, September).

F-X. Vialard gave talks at MIT, csail, in the medical imaging group, in Chapell Hill University (April), workshop on applied geometric mechanics (Darryl Holm's anniversary) in Madrid (July), Classic and Stochastic Approaches to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics at Imperial College (September), workshop in Cambridge about growth and form (November), and about mathematics for imaging (December), Geometric Functional Data Analysis Workshop in Tallahassee (September), GMO (Paris-Saclay).

T. Gallouët gave a talk at the ANEDP seminar of Paris Sud University (December 2017).

Research Administration

J-D. Benamou is an elected member of the "Conseil Académique" of the PSL COMUE.