Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Martin Quinson was the main organizer of the research school SUD gathering the SimGrid user community, held on 20-24 November, in Le Bono, Brittany.

  • Guillaume Pierre was a co-organizer of the NetV IRISA/Technicolor Workshop on Network Virtualization (Rennes, February 1st 2017)

Member of the Organizing Committees

Guillaume Pierre is general chair for the ACM/IFIP/Usenix Middleware 2018 conference. Christine Morin and Benjamin Camus are respectively sponsor and publicity & web chairs for this conference.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie was Program vice co-chair for GreenCom 2017: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie was co-chair of the Track on Performance Modeling and Evaluation for ICA3PP 2017: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Christine Morin served as program committee member for the following conferences: ACM International Conference on High Performance Distributed Systems (HPDC) 2017, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2017, ACM/IEEE SC 2017, IEEE Big Data 2017, IEEE CloudCom 2017, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CC-GRID) 2017, IEEE Conference on Network unction Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN) 2017, ComPas 2017 and workshop: Resilience 2017.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie served as a program committee member for the following conferences: PDP 2017, ICC 2017, I-SPAN 2017, Compas 2017, CBDCom 2017, SC'17, SD3C 2017, and ISPA 2017.

  • Guillaume Pierre served as a program committee member of ACM SAC 2017, ISFEC 2017, ISPDC 2017, CloudCom 2017, and HotWeb 2017.

  • Nikos Parlavantzas served as a program committee member of ISPDC 2017, VHPC 17, and CLOSER 2017.

  • Cédric Tedeschi served as a program committee member for ICCS 2017, Closer 2017 and Compas 2017.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Christine Morin is associate editor in the IEEE's Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems' Editorial Board.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie served as a reviewer for SIMPAT Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory in 2017.

  • Cédric Tedeschi served as a reviewer for TPDS in 2017.

Invited Talks

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for the seminar organized at CEA maison de la simulation in December 2017 on modeling and simulating the energy consumption of HPC infrastructures.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for the Inria Scientific Days in June 2017 on measuring the energy consumption and improving the energy efficiency of computing infrastructures.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for a seminar organized by ENS Rennes for high school students in March 2017 on greening ICT.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for a seminar organized by the Seine-et-Marne DSDEN during a training day for teachers of primary, secondary and high schools on ICT and sustainability in March 2017 on the energy consumption of ICT.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for a public conference organized by ArmorScience, an association based in Lannion, in February 2017 on reducing the energy impacts of ICT.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for a seminar at ENSSAT in Lannion in the Informatics department in February 2017 on saving energy in large-scale distributed systems.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk for the IRISA-Technicolor Workshop on Network Virtualization on February 2017 on greening the networks.

  • Guillaume Pierre gave invited talks at the RESCOM summer school on virtualization and containerization (Le Croisic, France, June 2017), the 11th Cloud Control Workshop (Sweden, June 2017), in a seminar of the DIMA team at TU Berlin (November 2017), and a guest lecture at INSA Rennes (France, November 2017).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie is co-responsible for the Green axis of the CNRS GDR RSD (Network and Distributed Systems working group).

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie is secretary of the ASF: the French chapter of ACM SIGOPS.

  • Cédric Tedeschi is a member of the steering committee of the Compas conference.

Scientific Expertise

Christine Morin was a member of the junior researcher selection committee at Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique.

Christine Morin was a member of the selection committee for an assistant-professor position at the University of Lyon.

Guillaume Pierre and Martin Quinson were members of the selection committee for a professor position at the University of Rennes 1.

Anne-Cécile Orgerie was the coordinator of the scientific challenge on “Digitizing Energy” for the Inria's scientific strategic plan 2018-2022.

Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the selection committee for two assistant professor positions at IMT-Atlantique in Nantes.

Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the admission jury for the second concours to recruit normalien students at Ecole Normale Supérieure of Rennes.

Jean-Louis Pazat is the coordinator of experts in Information Technology for the evaluation of international bilateral collaborations at the ministry of research and education.

Nikos Parlavantzas acted as an expert reviewer for ANR and SNSF projects.

Research Administration

  • Christine Morin is a member of the board of the Project-Team Committee of Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique.

  • Christine Morin is a member of the University of Rennes 1 board of directors and of the International Affairs Commission and its board.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie is officer (chargée de mission) for the IRISA cross-cutting axis on Green IT.

  • Martin Quinson is the leader of the “Large Scale Systems” department of IRISA.

  • Louis Rilling is a member of the scientific board of the research component (“club recherche”) of “Pôle d'Excellence Cyber”.