Section: New Results
Scaling Clouds
Fog Computing
Participants : Guillaume Pierre, Arif Ahmed, Ali Fahs, Alexandre Van Kempen, Salsabil Amri, Vinothkumar Nagasayanan, Berenger Nguyen Nhon.
Fog computing aims to extend datacenter-based cloud platforms with additional compute, networking and storage resources located in the immediate vicinity of the end users. By bringing computation where the input data was produced and the resulting output data will be consumed, fog computing is expected to support new types of applications which either require very low network latency (e.g., augmented reality applications) or which produce large data volumes which are relevant only locally (e.g., IoT-based data analytics).
Fog computing architectures are fundamentally different from those of traditional cloud platforms: to provide computing resources in physical proximity of any end user, fog computing platforms must necessarily rely on very large numbers of small Points-of-Presence connected to each other with commodity networks whereas clouds are typically organized with a handful of extremely powerful data centers connected by dedicated ultra-high-speed networks. This geographical spread also implies that the machines used in any Point-of-Presence may not be datacenter-grade servers but much weaker commodity machines.
We investigated the challenges of efficiently deploying Docker containers in fog platforms composed of tiny single-board computers such as Raspberry PIs. This operation can be painfully slow, in the order of multiple minutes depending on the container's image size and network condition. We showed that this bad performance is not only due to hardware limitations, but it is largely due to inefficiencies in the way Docker implements the container's image download operation. We proposed a number of optimization techniques which , when combined together, make container deployment up to 4 times faster than the vanilla Docker implementation. A publication on this topic is under submission.
Although fog computing infrastructures are fundamentally distributed, their management part still remains centralized: a single node (or small group of nodes) is in charge of maintaining the list of available server machines, monitoring them, distributing software to them, deciding which server must take care of which task, etc. We therefore aim to reduce the discrepancy between the broadly distributed compute/storage resources and the – currently – extremely centralized control of these resources, by focusing first on the resource scheduling function. This project has just started, and we expect to obtain the first results in 2018.
Edge Cloud
Participants : Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Cédric Tedeschi, Matthieu Simonin, Ehsan Ahvar, Genc Tato.
Myriads is involved in the Discovery project, whose goal is to design, develop and experiment a software stack for a distributed cloud platform where resources are directly injected into the backbone of the network [60]. To this end, we designed a novel family of overlay network to operate messaging and routing on top of such a distributed utility computing platform. The big picture of these overlays was described in a workshop [47].
Community Clouds
Participant : Jean-Louis Pazat.
In this work we consider an infrastructure based on devices (such as Internet boxes and NAS) owned and operated by end-users. A typical use-case is the sharing of CPU and storage capabilities by a community of users. This sharing is operated by hosting services to local and remote users. The devices of this distributed infrastructure have heterogeneous capabilities and no guaranteed availability. It is therefore challenging to ensure to the guest service a minimal hosting service level, such as availability or QoS.
We consider services build as an application based on micro-services. Such an application is deployed on the infrastructure by instantiating its constituant micro-services on some devices. One micro-services may rely on others micro-services to enable its own service. The performance of the resulting application is therefore highly dependent from the placement for each micro-service instance. Device parameters like CPU capabilities or network bandwidth and latency have a significant impact on the resulting response time of the micro-service, hence the application.
We explore solutions to adapt the placement of the micro-services to the capabilities of the infrastructure. As a first step, we are studying a static system where these capabilities are not variating. The placement decision can be expressed as the solution of an NP-Complete optimization problem. We have shown that a solution for this problem can be found with reasonably good precision using a meta-heuristic called Particle Swarm Optimization. The next step will be to study how this solution can be adapted in a dynamic system by considering the variations of the CPU and Network parameters and the availability of the devices.
This work in done in the context of Bruno Stevant's PhD thesis co-advised by Jean-Louis Pazat (Bruno Stevant is a member of OCIF team).
Evaluation of Data Stream Processing Frameworks in Clouds
Participants : Christine Morin, Deborah Agarwal, Subarna Chatterjee.
We address the problem of selecting a correct stream processing framework for a given application to be executed within a specific physical infrastructure. For this purpose, we have performed a thorough comparative analysis of three data stream processing platforms – Apache Flink, Apache Storm, and Twitter Heron (the enhanced version of Apache Storm), that are chosen based on their potential to process both streams and batches in real-time. For the comparative performance analysis of the chosen platforms, we have experimented using 8-node clusters on Grid5000 experimentation testbed and have selected a wide variety of applications ranging from a conventional benchmark (word count application) to sensor-based IoT application (air quality monitoring application) and statistical batch processing application (flight delay analysis application). The work focuses to analyze the performance of the frameworks in terms of the volume and throughput of data streams that each framework can possibly handle. The impact of each framework on the operating system is analyzed by experimenting and studying the resource utilization of the platforms in terms of CPU utilization, memory consumption. The energy consumption of the platforms is also studied to understand the suitability of the platforms towards green computing. Last, but not the least, the fault tolerance of the frameworks is also studied and analyzed. Lessons learnt from this work will precisely enlighten IaaS cloud end-users to wisely choose the correct streaming platform in order to run a particular application within a given set of VMs and will assist the cloud-providers to rationally allocate VMs equipped with a particular stream processing framework to PaaS cloud-users for running a specific streaming application. A paper has been submitted to an international conference in November 2017.
Stream Processing for Maritime Surveillance
Participants : Pascal Morillon, Christine Morin, Matthieu Simonin, Cédric Tedeschi.
In the context of maritime surveillance, and of the Sesame Project, we started the design and implementation of a platform dedicated to the batch and real-time processing of AIS messages sent by ships to inform about their identity, position and destination among other pieces of information.
Having use cases in mind such as detecting ships entering a protected areas, or ships having suspect behaviors, we designed a software architecture able to process AIS messages and produce synthetic data so as to answer these questions.
First experiments using a preliminary version of this platform have been conducted over the Grid'5000 platform using an archive of one-month of the AIS messages collected globally during March 2017. In particular, we've been able to index these messages using ElasticSearch ( and visualize them using Kibana (
The architecture has been described in a poster presented at BiDS'17 [56].
Adaptive deployment for multi-cloud applications
Participants : Nikos Parlavantzas, Manh Linh Pham.
This work builds on the Adapter system, developed in the context of the PaaSage European project (2012-2016). The Adapter is part of the PaaSage open-source platform, a holistic solution for supporting the automatic deployment and execution of multi-cloud applications. Specifically, the Adapter is responsible for dynamic, cross-cloud application adaptation, taking into account adaptation costs and benefits in making deployment decisions. In 2017, we improved the Adapter and performed a comprehensive evaluation using experiments in a multi-cloud environment. The results demonstrate that Adapter supports automated multi-cloud adaptation while optimizing the performance and cost of the application. The results are described in an article currently under submission.
Application configuration and reconfiguration in multi-cloud environments
Participant : Nikos Parlavantzas.
Current approaches to cloud application configuration and reconfiguration are typically platform dependent, error prone and provide little support for optimizing application performance and resource utilisation. To address these limitations, we are combining the use of software product lines (SPLs) with performance prediction and automatic adaptation techniques. This work is performed in the context of the thesis of Carlos Ruiz Diaz, a PhD student at the University of Guadalajara, co-advised by Nikos Parlavantzas. The work has produced an SPL-based framework supporting initial configuration and dynamic adaptation in a systematic, platform-independent way.
In 2017, we extended the framework with a proactive adaptation solution that performs vertical VM scaling based on predictions of resource utilisation and performance. The solution targets multi-tier applications deployed on IaaS clouds. Experimental results demonstrate that the solution maintains expected application performance while reducing resource waste [46].
Adaptive resource management for high-performance, multi-sensor systems
Participants : Christine Morin, Nikos Parlavantzas, Baptiste Goupille--Lescar.
In the context of our collaboration with Thales Research and Technology and Baptiste Goupille-Lescar’s PhD work, we are applying cloud resource management techniques to high-performance, multi-sensor, embedded systems with real-time constraints. The objective is to increase the flexibility and efficiency of resource allocation in such systems, enabling the execution of dynamic sets of applications with strict QoS requirements.
In 2017, we focused on an industrial use case concerning the operation of a multi-function surface active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. We developed a simulation environment using an industrial high-precision AESA simulator and the Ptolemy II simulation framework, and we are using this environment to explore and evaluate different dynamic application placement solutions [57].