Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Nano 2017 PSAIC

Participants : Arif Ali Ana-Pparakkal, Erven Rohou.

Nano 2017 PSAIC is a collaborative R&D program involving Inria and STMicroelectronics. The PSAIC (Performance and Size Auto-tuning through Iterative Compilation) project concerns the automation of program optimization through the combination of several tools and techniques such as: compiler optimization, profiling, trace analysis, iterative optimization and binary analysis/rewriting. For any given application, the objective is to devise through a fully automated process a compiler profile optimized for performance and code size. For this purpose, we are developing instrumentation techniques that can be focused and specialized to a specific part of the application aimed to be monitored.

The project involves the Inria teams PACAP, AriC, CAMUS and CORSE. PACAP contributes program analyses at the binary level, as well as binary transformations. We will also study the synergy between static (compiler-level) and dynamic (run-time) analyses.