Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

A. Seznec is member of the ACM/IEEE ISCA symposium steering committee.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Isabelle Puaut is Program Chair of the 2017 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), held in Paris, France. She is general Chair of RTSS 2018, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Sylvain Collange was PC member of Compas'2017.

Pierre Michaud was a member of the program committees of the ISCA 2017 and MICRO 2017 conferences.

Isabelle Puaut is member of the program committees of the Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems (ECRTS) 2017 and 2018, the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2017 and 2018.

André Seznec is a member of IEEE Micro 2018 Top Picks selection committee.

André Seznec was a member of the IEEE Micro 2017 and SAMOS 2017 conference program committee.


Members of PACAP routinely review submissions to numerous international conferences and events.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Isabelle Puaut is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC).

André Seznec is a member of the editorial boards of IEEE Micro and ACM Transactions on Architecture and Compiler Optimization.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Members of PACAP routinely review submissions to numerous international journals.

Invited Talks

Erven Rohou was invited to the seminar “WCET meets compilation”. He presented an invited talk.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Isabelle Puaut is member of the steering committee of RTNS (Real-Time Networks and Systems).

Isabelle Puaut is member of the steering committee of the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) workshop, held in conjunction with the Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems (ECRTS).

Research Administration

Isabelle Puaut is member of the Research Council (Commission Recherche) of the University of Rennes I. She is member of the working group “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”.

Isabelle Puaut is member of the board of directors (Conseil d'Administration) of ISTIC (computer science and electrical engineering departement of University of Rennes I).

Erven Rohou is a member of the Inria CDT (Commission du Développement Technologique).

As “correspondant scientifique des relations internationales” for Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, Erven Rohou is a member of the Inria COST GTRI (Groupe de Travail “Relations Internationales” du Comité d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique).

André Seznec is an elected member of the Administration Council of Inria.