Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: IPET - WCET - Performance - Real time - Static analysis - Worst Case Execution Time

Scientific Description: WCET estimation

Status: Registered with APP (Agence de Protection des Programmes). Available under GNU General Public License v3, with number IDDN.FR.001.510039.000.S.P.2003.000.10600.

The aim of Heptane is to produce upper bounds of the execution times of applications. It is targeted at applications with hard real-time requirements (automotive, railway, aerospace domains). Heptane computes WCETs using static analysis at the binary code level. It includes static analyses of microarchitectural elements such as caches and cache hierarchies.

For more information, please contact Damien Hardy or Isabelle Puaut.

Functional Description: In a hard real-time system, it is essential to comply with timing constraints, and Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) in particular. Timing analysis is performed at two levels: analysis of the WCET for each task in isolation taking account of the hardware architecture, and schedulability analysis of all the tasks in the system. Heptane is a static WCET analyser designed to address the first issue.