Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence:

    V. Cheval, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Logic, Languages, Automata), 69 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Logic, Languages, Automata), 146 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

  • Master:

    V. Cortier, Security of flows, 20 hours, M2 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy and Mines Nancy

    A. Imine, Security for XML Documents, 12 hours (ETD), M1, Univ Lorraine

    S. Kremer, Security Theory, 24 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine

    C. Ringeissen, Decision Procedures for Software Verification, 18 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine

    L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 22.5 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine

    L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 24 hours (ETD), M2 MIAGE – Distributed Information Systems, Univ Lorraine

    L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 16 hours (ETD), M2 MIAGE – Audit and Design of Information Systems, Univ Lorraine

  • Summer School:

    V. Cortier and S. Kremer: Summer School on Models and Tools for Cryptographic Proofs, Nancy, June 2017


  • PhD in progress:

    Younes Abid, Privacy control for social networks, started in March 2015 (M. Rusinowitch)

    Antoine Dallon, Decision procedures for equivalence properties, started in November 2015 (V. Cortier and S. Delaune)

    Alicia Filipiak, Design and validation of security services for mobile platforms: smartphones and tablets, started in March 2015 (V. Cortier)

    Abreha Haftay Gebreslasie, Compressed and Verifiable Filtering Rules in Software-defined Networking, started in September 2017 (A. Lahmadi, M. Rusinowitch and A. Bouhoula)

    Charlie Jacomme, Security protocols: new properties, new attackers, new protocols, started in September 2017 (H. Comon and S. Kremer)

    Joseph Lallemand, Type systems for equivalence properties, started in September 2016 (V. Cortier)

    Itsaka Rakotonirina, Efficient verification of equivalence properties in cryptographic protocols, started in October 2017 (V. Cheval and S. Kremer)

    Ludovic Robin, Verification of cryptographic protocols using weak secrets, started in October 2014, defense scheduled early 2018 (S. Delaune and S. Kremer)


Examiner for Robin David, CEA and Loria (S. Kremer)

Reviewer for Ryan Stanley-Oakes, Univ Bristol (S. Kremer)

Examiner and president of the jury for Wazen Shbair, Univ Lorraine, Loria (V. Cortier)

Examiner and president of the jury for Hubert Godefroy, Univ Lorraine, Loria (V. Cortier)

Reviewer for Fabienne Eigner, Univ Saarbruecken (V. Cortier)

Reviewer for Mnacho Echenim, HDR, Univ Grenoble (M. Rusinowitch)