Section: Dissemination


  • How to Explain Modern Security Concepts to your Children [11] (J. Dreier)

  • Vote par Internet [41] (V. Cortier and S. Kremer)

  • 2 days of debate on privacy at Moments d'invention 2016, organized by Grand Nancy (V. Cortier)

  • booth at the Open Government Summit organized at Sénat (V. Cortier)

  • Conference and debate at the ISN day, conference for teachers in computer science (V. Cortier)

  • Interview for silicon.fr on weakening cryptosystems to allow limited access by authorities (S. Kremer)

  • France 3 Lorraine radio interview on computer security (S. Kremer)

  • Interview for AFP on electronic voting (S. Kremer)

  • Interview for AFP and Huffington Post on electronic voting (V. Cortier)