Section: Application Domains

Life Plan

Participants : Audrey Landuran, Gregory Lecouvey, Léo Mendiboure, Quentin Barlas, Bernard N'Kaoua.

Elaboration of life plan is a major stage in the developmental trajectory of people with intellectual deficiency and is based on several capabilities : make choices, express them, be aware of their consequences, etc. However, these various capabilities can raise problems for people with Down syndrome. The aim of this project has been to design and validate a digital assistant that allows to help the individuals to make choices, to plan for the future and to define their life plan. The user centered methodology employed has allowed to involve the people with Down syndrome, their families and their caregivers in all stages of design. Different validations achieved attest for the accessible, friendly, funny character of the assistant and its ability to promote the expression of the life plan in accordance with individuals’ choices, wishes and desires.

The digital assistant is now available online at : http://www.monprojetdevie.trisomie21-france.org/.

Figure 2. Sample screenshots from the Life Plan website.