Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master (M2) : Charles Consel, “Advanced topics — Technology surveys”, 17h, Bordeaux INP, France

  • Licence (L2): Hélène Sauzéon, “Modeling cognitive functions”, 24h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Licence (L3): Hélène Sauzéon, “Handicap, Executive functions, Cognitive neuropsycology”, 12h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Master (M1): Hélène Sauzéon, “Cognitive psychology, Aging, Human factors”, 30h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Master (M2): Hélène Sauzéon, “Handicap and assistive technology, Human factors and reliability of complex systems”, 30h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Master (M2): Hélène Sauzéon, “Neuropsychology: Evaluation, Language-related models and syndromes, Executive functions and syndromes”, 30h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Master (M2): Hélène Sauzéon, “Neuropshychology: Language-related models, Aging”, 9h, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • Master (M2) : Nic Volanschi, “Advanced topics — Technology surveys”, 17h, Bordeaux INP, France

  • Licence (L3) : Nic Volanschi, “Introduction to imperative programming”, 24h, Bordeaux INP, France

  • Master (M2) : Antoine Riché, “Software Engineering for Smart Spaces”, 8h, Bordeaux INP, France

  • Licence (L3) : Cécile Mazon, “Outils pour les enfants avec troubles cognitifs et apports de la psychologie cognitive”, 6h, École d'Ergothérapie, CHU Bordeaux, France

  • Licence (L3) : Cécile Mazon, “École inclusive et Technologies Numériques : Quels solutions pour les enfants avec troubles cognitifs ?”, 8h, École d'Ergothérapie, CHU Bordeaux, France

  • Licence (L2) : Cécile Mazon, “Handicap cognitif et Technologies d'assistance à la vie quotidienne”, 8h, École d'Ergothérapie, CHU Bordeaux, France

  • Licence (L2) : Bernard Serpette, “Functional Programming”, 35h, Université de Bordeaux, France.

  • E-learning

    • MOOC: Hélène Sauzéon and Pascal Guitton, “Digital Accessibility” , open for unrestricted attendance, on the FUN national platform, supported by the Inria Learning Lab:

      • 1st session in november 2016: about 3800 registered students from 60 different countries

      • 2nd session in june 2017: about 1900 registered students

      The MOOC contents is still currently available on “Canal U”.


  • PhD : Adrien Carteron, “An event-based approach to the development of home assistance services for various stakeholders”, University of Bordeaux, defended on December 22nd, 2017, co-directed by Charles Consel and Nic Volanschi.

  • PhD in progress : Cécile Mazon, “Personalization and evaluation of a digital assistant for school inclusion of college students with autism and/or intellectual disability”, University of Bordeaux, started in September 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Riché, “Architectures of assistive services based on software sensors”, started in October 2016, directed by Charles Consel.

  • PhD in progress: Rafik Belloum, “A methodology for developing assistive services”, started in 2016, directed by Charles Consel.

  • PhD in progress: Audrey Landuran, “Design, adaptation and validation of digital tools for people with intellectual disabilities', started in 2016, directed by Bernard N'Kaoua.

  • PhD in progress: P.A. Cinquin, “Conception et validation d’un lecteur accessible aux personnes avec troubles cognitifs pour un système d’enseignement numérique”, started in 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Pascal Guitton.

  • PhD in progress: A. Delmas, “Conception et validation d’un site internet interactif sur l’asthme à visée éducative pour les enfants avec asthme”, started in 2015, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer.


Charles Consel was member of the thesis committee for Tizneem Jiancaro, for her thesis entitled “Technology, Design and Dementia: Design approaches, implications and considerations for an emerging field”. Supervisor: Alex Mihailidis, Ph.D P.Eng. Scientific Director AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence, University of Toronto.

Hélène Sauzéon was member of the thesis committee for Castor Naomie, who performed her PhD in the Lab CHART-LUTIN (Paris 8 University).

Charles Consel and Nic Volanschi were members of the thesis committee for Adrien Carteron (as co-supervisors), for his thesis in Computer Science called “An event-based approach to the development of home assistance services for various stakeholders”, University of Bordeaux, on December 22nd 2017.