Section: New Results
On the Complexity of the Block Low-Rank Multifrontal Factorization
Participants : Patrick Amestoy [INP-IRIT] , Alfredo Buttari [CNRS-IRIT] , Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Théo Mary [UPS-IRIT] .
Matrices coming from elliptic Partial Differential Equations have been
shown to have a low-rank property: well defined off-diagonal blocks of their
Schur complements can be approximated by low-rank products and this property
can be efficiently exploited in multifrontal solvers to provide a substantial
reduction of their complexity. Among the possible low-rank formats, the Block
Low-Rank format (BLR) is easy to use in a general purpose multifrontal solver
and has been shown to provide significant gains compared to full-rank on
practical applications. However, unlike hierarchical formats, such as
This work has been published in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [6].