Section: New Results
Large-scale 3-D EM modelling with a Block Low-Rank multifrontal direct solver
Participants : Daniil Shantsev [EMGS-Univ. Oslo] , Piyoosh Jaysaval [Univ. Oslo] , Sébastien de La Kethulle de Ryhove [EMGS] , Patrick Amestoy [INP-IRIT] , Alfredo Buttari [CNRS-IRIT] , Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Théo Mary [UPS-IRIT] .
We put forward the idea of using a Block Low-Rank (BLR) multifrontal direct solver to
efficiently solve the linear systems of equations arising from a finite-difference discretization
of the frequency-domain Maxwell equations for 3-D electromagnetic (EM) problems. The
solver uses a low-rank representation for the off-diagonal blocks of the intermediate dense
matrices arising in the multifrontal method to reduce the computational load. A numerical
threshold, the so-called BLR threshold, controlling the accuracy of low-rank representations
was optimized by balancing errors in the computed EM fields against savings in floating
point operations (flops). Simulations were carried out over large-scale 3-D resistivity models
representing typical scenarios for marine controlled-source EM surveys, and in particular
the SEG SEAM model which contains an irregular salt body. The flop count, size of factor
matrices and elapsed run time for matrix factorization are reduced dramatically by using BLR
representations and can go down to, respectively, 10, 30 and 40 per cent of their full-rank
values for our largest system with N = 20.6 million unknowns. The reductions are almost
independent of the number of MPI tasks and threads at least up to
This work has been published in the Geophysical Journal International [16].