Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Maxime Amblard: General chair of (In)Coherence of Discourse 4, March 2017, Université de Lorraine.
Bruno Guillaume: General chair of “Acor4French: les corpus annotés du français”, workshop of the TALN conference.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Philippe de Groote: co-chair of MoL 2017 15th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language [20].
Sylvain Pogodalla: co-chair of FG 201722nd Conference on Formal Grammar [19].
Maxime Amblard: (In)Coherence of Discourse 4, ACL2017, TALN 17, traitement automatique des langues, and RECITAL17 Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, journée EGC-IA.
Philippe de Groote: (In)Coherence of Discourse 4, MoL 2017, FG 2017, IWCS 2017.
Sylvain Pogodalla: (In)Coherence of Discourse 4, TAG+1313th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms.
Member of Editorial Boards
Maxime Amblard: Member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues, in charge of the final editing process.
Philippe de Groote: area editor of the FoLLI-LNCS series; associate editor of Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation; member of the editorial board of Cahiers du Centre de Logique.
Sylvain Pogodalla: Member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues, in charge of the Résumés de thèses section.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Maxime Amblard: Journal of Language, Logic and Information, Traitement Automatique des Langues.
Philippe de Groote: Journal of Language, Logic and Information, Logical Methods in Computer Science.
Sylvain Pogodalla: Journal of Language, Logic and Information, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Traitement Automatique des Langues;
Invited Talks
A Formal Account of Disorders in Dialogues, CLASP seminar, November 2017, University of Gothenburg, Sweden [8].
Table ronde "TAL et médical", TALN 2017, June 2017, Orléans.
Le discours des schizophrènes par la formalisation langagière, interpréter les troubles de la pensée par les troubles du langage, Séminaire C2S, June 2017, Université de Reims [9].
Modélisation sémantique de la langue, une mise en pratique, séminaire SIESTE, computer science department, ENS Lyon, March 2017, Lyon [22].
Sylvain Pogodalla: Tutorial at FSMNLP 2017 & TAG+13 [26], Umeå, Sweden, September 2017.
Guy Perrier: invited talk in the seminar of the TEXTE team (LIRMM, Montpellier), March 2017.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Philippe de Groote: president of SIGMOL, Association for Mathematics of Language, a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics; member of the LACL steering committee.
Bruno Guillaume: Management Committee Substitute of the COST Action CA16105 "European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques" (
Sylvain Pogodalla: member of the LACL steering committee; member of the Formal Grammar standing committee.
Scientific Expertise
Philippe de Groote: member of the scientific council of the LIRMM, Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier; member of the scientific council of the AREN e-FRAN project, ARgumentation Et Numérique.
Sylvain Pogodalla: external reviewer for CIMI LabEx, expert for the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the EU.
Guy Perrier: external rapporteur on the scientific activity of Prof François Lareau (Université de Montréal, Canada) for his promotion as “professeur agrégé”.
Research Administration
Standing invitee at the “pôle scientifique” AM2I of Université de Lorraine.
Member of the standing committee of the conseil de laboratoire du Loria.
Member of the board of the Maison des sciences de l'homme, MSH-Lorraine.
Member of the McF selection committee 4373 (section 7 and 27), Université Paris Sorbonne.
Head of the Loria department NLPKD (Natural Language Processing and Kownledge Discovery).
Animator of the CPER 2015-2020 project Langues, Connaissances et Humanités Numériques' (Languages, Knowledge and Digital Humanities) in which ten laboratories of the Université de Lorraine are implied.
Member of the Comipers (Inria committee for PhD and Post-doctoral selection).