Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Structure-Adaptive, Variance-Reduced, and Accelerated Stochastic Optimization

In [38], we explore the fundamental structure-adaptiveness of state of the art randomized first order algorithms on regularized empirical risk minimization tasks, where the solution has intrinsic low-dimensional structure (such as sparsity and low-rank). Such structure is often enforced by non-smooth regularization or constraints. We start by establishing the fast linear convergence rate of the SAGA algorithm on non-strongly-convex objectives with convex constraints, via an argument of cone-restricted strong convexity. Then for the composite minimization task with a coordinate-wise separable convex regularization term, we propose and analyse a two stage accelerated coordinate descend algorithm (Two-Stage APCG). We provide the convergence analysis showing that the proposed method has a global convergence in general and enjoys a local accelerated linear convergence rate with respect to the low-dimensional structure of the solution. Then based on this convergence result, we proposed an adaptive variant of the two-stage APCG method which does not need to foreknow the restricted strong convexity beforehand, but estimate it on the fly. In numerical experiments we compare the adaptive two-stage APCG with various state of the art variance-reduced stochastic gradient methods on sparse regression tasks, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.