Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Tanguy Risset and Jean-Marie Gorce and are professors at the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Florent de Dinechin is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Claire Goursaud is an associate professor at the Telecommunications department of Insa Lyon.

  • Leonardo Sampaio-Cardoso is an associate professor at Insa Lyon (Premier Cycle).

  • Guillaume Salagnac and Kevin Marquet are associate professors at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Guillaume Villemaud and Florin Hutu are associate professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Samir M. Perlaza and Jean-Marie Gorce teach the course on Network Information Theory at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.


  • PhD in progress Tristan Delizymemory management for normally-of NV-RAM based systems, Insa-Lyon, (Region ARC6) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress Yohan UguenSynthesis of arithmetic operators, Insa-Lyon, (Mininstry of research) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress Yuqi MoScaling of Iot Communication issuers, Insa-Lyon, since 09/2015.

  • PhD in progress David KibloffNew strategy for Physical Layer Security in wireless networks: self-jamming using Full-Duplex Transceivers, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by Inria-DGA grant since 10/2015.

  • PhD in progress Nizar KhalfetStochastic Energy Sources to Power Communication Systems, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by EU Project COM-MED since 10/2016.

  • PhD in progress : Andrea Bocco: Porposition d'une unité de caclul U-NUM pour le calcul scientifique, ANR Metalibm grant, since 12/2016.

  • PhD in progress : Hassan Kallam: Topology aided multi-user interference management in wireless network , Fed4PMR Insavalor project grant, since 01/2017.

  • PhD in progress : Anade Akpo Dadja: Non assymptotic fundemental limits of impulsive radio communication , ANR Arburst grant, since 09/2017.

  • PhD in progress : Diane Duchemin: Distributed coding in dense IoT Network, ANR Metalibm grant, since 01/2017.

  • PhD : Victor QuinteroNoisy Channel-Output Feedback in the Interference Channel, École Doctorale EEA, 12/12/2017.

  • PhD : Matei Istoan: High-performance coarse operators for FPGA-based computing, ANR Metalibm grant, 6/04/2017.

  • HdR: Claire Goursaud Contribution to the uplink PHY/MAC analysis for the IoT and BAN applications, Doctoral School EEA, 1/12/2017


Tanguy Risset was a member of the jury of the following theses:

  • Clément le Bas Marcos (Université de Limoges) as jury president,

  • Celestin Matte (U. Lyon, dec. 2017) as examiner.

Guillaume Villemaud was a reviewer of Xiwen Jiang's thesis (Eurecom, oct. 2017).

Florent de Dinechin was a member of the jury of the following theses:

  • Julie Dumas (Grenoble, dec. 2017) as examiner,

  • Gael Deest (Rennes, dec. 2017) as reviewer.

Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the jury of the following theses:

  • Ahmad M Alam (INSA Rennes, March 2017) as reviewer,

  • Fayçal Aït Aoudia (Université de Rennes, Sept 2017) as reviewer,

  • Quentin Bodinnier (Centrale-Supelec, Oct 2017) as reviewer,

  • Louis-Adrien Dufrene (INSA Rennes, Dec 2017) as examiner,

  • Victor Quintero Florez (INSA Lyon, Dec 2017) as co-advisor.

Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the jury of the following HdR:

  • Guillaume Ferré (ENSIB, Bordeaux) as reviewer,

  • Matthieu Crussières (INSA Rennes, Nov 2017) as reviewer,

  • Claire Goursaud (INSA Lyon, Dec 2017) as examiner.