Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


Florent de Dinechin obtained the community award of the 27th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Application (FPL17) for his software Flopoco, Parameterized Floating-Point Core Generator, see: https://www.fpl2017.org/awards/


FIT/Grid5000 fusion

The mid-term evaluation of the FIT project was very well evaluated (excerpt of the report: “It is really hard to identify weaknesses of the equipment project”), FIT has also been promoted as national “Instrument de Recherche” and it is discussing with Grid5000 to apply to the status of TGIR (Très grande infrastructure de recherche). A ESFRI proposal has already been proposed (ESFRI is the european instrument for European Strategy on Research Infrastructures).

INSA-Lyon/Spie IoTS Chair

Spie-ICS funds a chair with the Citi-lab on IoT, Jean-Marie Gorce was the initiator of this big project (approximately 1M€ over 5 years) dedicated to Internet of Things, the Socrate team is highly involved in the Spie-IoT Chair