Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation in Other International Programs
D. Dos Santos Ferreira and J.-F. Scheid are members of the PHC Utique program ...
Project title: Équations aux Dérivées Partielles Déterministes et Stochastiques
Other partners: Laboratoire de Modélisation Déterministe et Aléatoire (LAMDA), École Supérieure des Sciences et de la Technologie de Hammam Sousse (ESSTHS), Université de Sousse, Tunisie.
Abstract: The main objective of this project is to study some systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and Partial Differential Equations (PDE) in a deterministic and stochastic frameworks with analytical, numerical, probabilistic or statistical methods. A typical system considered in this project is the modeling and the numerical simulations of the myocardial infarction (heart attack). This phenomenon is studied as a fluid/structure interaction type process between the blood, the cholesterol deposit along the walls of an artery and the rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque formed by the cholesterol.
This is a project for a French-Tunisian collaboration and it involved a PhD thesis co-advised by J.-F. Scheid.
J. Valein is member of the project ICoPS:
Project title: Inverse and control problems for physical systems
Coordinators: Alberto Mercado (Valparaíso, Chile), Emmanuelle Crépeau (Versailles), Daniel Alfaro (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Ivonne Rivas (Colombia)
Other partners: Centre Automatique et Systèmes (École des Mines de Paris), LAAS (Toulouse), Instituto de Matemática, Estadística e Física (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística, (Universidad Icesi, Pance, Cali, Colombia)
Abstract: We propose to study well-posedness, control properties, and coefficient inverse problems for partial differential equations appearing in models for several phenomena. We intend to study the inverse problems of recovering some coefficients in the previously mentioned equations, and also in nonlinear dispersive waves on trees, which appears for instance in model for the cardiovascular system. We intend to study numerical approximations, using numerical schemes like Galerkin, colocation, finite difference, among others. Finally, this proposal includes the determination of the reachable states in a control problem of KdV equation.