Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: Nathalie Bertrand, Advanced Algorithms (ALGO2), 20h, L3, Univ Rennes 1, France;
Licence: Loïc Hélouët, JAVA and algorithmics, L2, 40h, INSA de Rennes, France.
Licence: Loïc Hélouët, practical studies (development of a small project), 8h, INSA de Rennes, France.
Master : Nathalie Bertrand, Language Theory; Algorithms, 15h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;
Master: Éric Fabre, Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems (MADS), 10h, M2, Univ Rennes 1, France;
Master: Éric Fabre, Information Theory, 15h, M1, ENS Rennes, France.
Master: Blaise Genest, Verification of Complex Systems (CSV), 10h, M2, Univ. Rennes 1, France;
Master: Loïc Hélouët, Algorithms; complexity, 8h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;
Master: Loïc Hélouët, Nathalie Bertrand, Ocan Sankur, supervision of 3 students in M1 SIF (2017-2018).
Master: Nicolas Markey, Verification of Complex Systems (CSV), 10h, M2, Univ Rennes 1, France;
Master: Nicolas Markey, Algorithms for graphs, 3h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;
Master: Ocan Sankur, Lab sessions for the course on Foraml Analysis and Design (ACF), 22h, M1, Univ. Rennes 1, France.
HdR: Hervé Marchand, Contribution to the Analysis of Discrete Event Systems [15], Univ. Rennes 1. The defence took place on 6 June 2017.
PhD: Bruno Karelovic, Analyse quantitative des systèmes stochastiques – Jeux de priorité et population de chaînes de Markov, Univ. Paris 7. The defence took place on 7 July 2017. Co-directed by Blaise Genest.
PhD in progress
Robert Nsaibirni, A Guarded Attribute Grammar Model for User centered Distibuted Collaborative Case Management: Case of the Disease Surveillance Process, co-advised by Éric Badouel and Maurice Tchuenté (University of Yaoundé).
Engel Lefaucheux, Controlling information in probabilistic systems, started September 2015, Nathalie Bertrand and Serge Haddad
The Anh Pham, Dynamic Formal Verification of High Performance Runtimes and Applications, started Nov. 2016, Thierry Jéron and Martin Quinson (Myriads, Inria Rennes).
Karim Kecir, Régulation et robustesse des systèmes ferroviaires urbains, planned May 2018, Loïc Hélouët and Pierre Dersin (Alstom).
Hugo Bazille, Information flows in quantitative dynamic systems, started oct. 2016, Blaise Genest and Éric Fabre.
Erij Elmajed, Diagnosis of reconfigurable systems, started March 2017, Éric Fabre and Armen Aghasaryan (Nokia).
Sihem Cherrared, Diagnosis of multi-tenant programmable networks, started Dec. 2016, Éric Fabre, Gregor Goessler (Inria, Spades) and Sofiane Imadali (Orange).
Victor Roussanaly, Efficient verification of timed systems, started Sep. 2017, Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur.
Master2 internship supervision
Internship Aina Toky Rasoamanana, Feb-July 2017, Nathalie Bertrand and Nicolas Markey
Internship Victor Roussanaly, Feb-June 2017, Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur
Other internship supervision
L3 Internship of Balasubramanian A.R., May-July 2017, Nathalie Bertrand and Nicolas Markey
L3 Internship of Thomas Mari, Observation-based unfolding of Petri nets, (May-July 2017)
L3 Internship of Romain Boitard, Design of interfaces for railway systems, (April-June 2017)
Juries of PhD defences:
Nicolas David, École Centrale Nantes, october 2017 : Nathalie Bertrand examiner;
Thomas Geffroy, Univ. Bordeaux, december 2017: Nathalie Bertrand examiner;
Ludovic Hofer, Univ. Bordeaux, november 2017: Blaise Genest examiner;
Daniel Stan, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, march 2017: Nathalie Bertrand reviewer;
Serge Tembo, Telecom Bretagne, January 2017: Éric Fabre examiner.