Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

New partnership

Several members of the team are involved in the joint research team “Softwarization of Everything”, part of the joint research lab of Nokia Bell Labs France and Inria. This activity will finance two PhDs in the team, related to the management and control of software-defined networks.


  • Engel Lefaucheux received the best young-researcher-paper award (“Prix Jeune Chercheur”) at MSR 2017 for his paper titled Diagnostic et contrôle de la dégradation des systèmes probabilistes .

  • Nicolas Markey was awarded an Allocation d'Installation Scientifique (at senior-researcher level) from Rennes Métropole.

Best Paper Award:
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad, E. Lefaucheux.

Diagnostic et contrôle de la dégradation des systèmes probabilistes, in: MSR 2017 - Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, Marseille, France, November 2017.
