Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License: E. Arnaud, Mathematics for engineer, 50h, L1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • License: E. Arnaud, statisctics for biologists, 40h, L2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: M Nodet, Mathematiques pour l'ingenieur, 50h, L1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

  • Licence: E. Blayo, Analyse approfondie, 80h, L1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

  • Licence : C.Kazantsev, Mathématiques outils pour les sciences et l'ingénierie, 76h, L1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Licence : C.Kazantsev, Mathématiques pour les sciences de l'ingénieur, 60h, L2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Master: E. Arnaud, Advising students on apprenticeship, 28h, M2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: E. Arnaud, Inverse problem and data assimilation, 28h, M2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: C. Prieur and O. Zahm, Model Exploration for Approximation of Complex, High-Dimensional Problems, 18h, M2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes-ENSIMAG, France.

  • Master: L. Debreu, Numerical methods for ocean models, 14h, M2, ENSTA Bretagne engineer schoold, Brest.

  • Master: E. Blayo, PDEs and numerical methods, 43h, M1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes and Ensimag engineer school.

  • Master: M Nodet Equations aux derivees partielles travaux pratiques, 18h, M1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

  • Master: M Nodet Methodes inverses, 18h, M2, Univ. Grenoble, Alpes

  • Master: M Nodet taught was responsible for the 1st year of the applied mathematics master of Univ. Grenoble, Alpes

  • Doctorat: E. Blayo and A. Vidard, Introduction to data assimilation, 20h, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

  • Doctorat: M. Nodet, Data assimilation, 3h, Univ. Grenoble, Alpes

  • Doctorat: L. Debreu co-organized a one week doctoral training session on numerical modelling of atmospheric and oceanic flows (with F. Hourdin (LMD, Paris), G. Roullet (UBO, Brest) and T. Dubos (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)).)

  • Doctorat: F.-X. Le Dimet, Data Assimilation, 16h, Harbin Institute of Technology.

  • E-learning : M.Nodet, Videos level L1, youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYhfa8eKzdiM_MYAOoeMiQ

  • E-learning : E. Arnaud, Mathematics for engineer, L1, Pedagogical resources on http://math.u-ga.fr and videos for http://tinyurl.com/youtube-mat207

  • E-learning :E. Arnaud, Inverse problem and data assimilation, L2, Pedagogical resources on http://math.u-ga.fr.


  • Intern: Natalie Noun, Characterization of coupling errors in ocean-atmosphere coupled models, M2R, mathématiques appliquées, Université Lyon 1, 6 months, A. Vidard and F. Lemarié.

  • PhD in progress: Victor Trappler, Parameter control in presence of uncertainties, October 2017, E. Arnaud, L. Debreu and A. Vidard.

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Hirvoas, Development of a data assimilation method for the calibration and continuous update of wind turbines digital twins, May 2018, E. Arnaud, C. Prieur, F. Caleyron

  • PhD in progress : Sophie Théry, Numerical study of coupling algorithms and boundary layer parameterizations in climate models. October 2017, E. Blayo and F. Lemarié.

  • PhD in progress : Emilie Duval, Coupling hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic ocean circulation models. October 2018, L. Debreu and E. Blayo.

  • PhD in progress: Long Li, Assimilation d’image pour le suivi de polluants, September 2017, A. Vidard, J.-W. Ma (Harbin University, China).

  • PhD in progress: Reda El Amri, Analyse d'incertitudes et de robustesse pour les modèles à entrées et sorties fonctionnelles, April 2016, Clémentine Prieur, Céline Helbert (Centrale Lyon), funded by IFPEN, in the OQUAIDO chair program.

  • PhD in progress: Maria Belén Heredia, A generic Bayesian approach for the calibration of advanced snow avalanche models with application to real-time risk assessment conditional to snow conditions, October 2017, Nicolas Eckert (IRSTEA Grenoble), Clémentine Prieur, funded by the OSUG@2020 Labex.

  • PhD in progress: Philomène Le Gall, Nonparametric non stationarity tests for extremes, October 2018, Clémentine Prieur, Anne-Catherine Favre (IGE, Grenoble), Philippe Naveau (LSCE, Paris), funded by the cross-disciplinary-project Trajectories from Idex Grenoble.

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Macherey, Uncertainty quantification methods for models described by stochastic differential equations or partial differential equations with a probabilistic interpretation, April 2018, Clémentine Prieur, Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrale de Nantes), Marie Billaud Friess (Ecole Centrale de Nantes), funded by Inria and Ecole Centrale de Nantes.

  • PhD : Rémi Pellerej, Étude et développement d'algorithmes d'assimilation de données variationnelle adaptés aux modèles couplés océan-atmosphère, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Mars 2018, A. Vidard, F. Lemarié.

  • PhD : Charles Pelletier, Etude mathématique du problème de couplage océan-atmosphère incluant les échelles turbulentes, Université Grenoble Alpes, February 15, 2018, E. Blayo and F. Lemarié


  • E. Blayo:

    • February 27, 2018: HDR thesis of Igor Gejadze, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (president)

    • March 26, 2018: PhD thesis of Rémi Pellerej, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (president)

    • June 28, 2018: PhD thesis of Pedro Colombo, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (president)

    • July 3, 2018: PhD thesis of Matthieu Brachet, Université de Lorraine (referee)

    • September 21, 2018: PhD thesis of Joseph Bellier, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (president)

    • September 25, 2018: PhD thesis of Alexandre Vieira, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (president)

  • L. Debreu:

    • November 12, 2018: PhD thesis of Thibaud Vandamme, Univ. of Toulouse (referee).

  • E. Arnaud, in charge of ATER recruitment in computer sciences, University Grenoble Alpes

  • E. Arnaud, member of a recrutment comitee for a "Maitre de conférences", University Grenoble Alpes

  • M. Nodet was a reviewer for the PhD of R. Ventura

  • M. Nodet was an expert at the TIPE jury (oral examination for the admission to Grandes Ecoles)