Section: New Results
Resources, models and tools for coreference resolution
Participants : Loïc Grobol, Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie.
This year we performed many experiments, some of them detailed in [28], targeting end-to-end coreference systems for spontaneous oral French. More precisely, for several mention-pair coreference detection models, we tried to assess their sensibility to various features of coreference chains and their viability for end-to-end systems, compared to the more recent antecedent scoring models.
Also, one of our objective being to assess the usefulness of syntactic features for coreference detection, we enriched the coreference annotations of the ANCOR corpus with both automatically produced dependency syntax annotations and improved speech transcription. All these annotation were wrapped in a TEI-compliant XML format as described in [20] (see also 6.4).
Finally, we have been working on neural architectures for coreference detection, building upon some recent state of the art techniques. They are based on embeddings for general text span and we try to make them more scalable through efficient uses of the local context but also more tunable to different document types and language variation. The base idea is to complete pre-training by training on related lower-level tasks such as entity-mention detection.