Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
LR was invited to present an overview of information extraction methods in the humanities in the context of the conference cycle: Ringvorlesung "Open Technology for an Open Society”, Jan 2018, Berlin, Germany
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
LR: Co-chair of the Lexical Data Masterclass, Berlin, 3-7 December
Mohamed Khemakhem: Chair of the GROBID-Camp: Inria de Paris 27th March 2018
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program/Scientific/Reviewing Committees
BS: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: ACL 2018, NAACL 2018, International Morphology Meeting 2018, Int'l Colloquium on Loanwords and Substrata 2018
LR: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: Fourteenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, COLING 2018, TPDL 2018, ACL 2018, NAACL-HLT 2018, TOTh 2018, ELPUB 2018, DHd2018, LDL-2018, DH 2018
DS: Member of the Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committee of the following conferences and workshops: ACL 2018, EMNLP 2018,CoNLL 2018, COLING 2018, EthicNLP 2018, LREC 2018, WNUT 2018, LAW-MWE-CxG 2018.
EVdLC: Program Committee member and reviewer for LREC, ACL, COLING, NAACL, ToTH, EMNLP
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
BS: Reviewer for the following journals: Language Resource and Evaluation, Traitement Automatique des Langues
LR: Reviewer for the following journals: Language Resource and Evaluation Journal, Journal of the TEI
DS: Reviewer for the following journals: TALLIP, LRE, NLE, Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Invited Talks
BS was invited to give a talk to Master 2 computational linguistics students and University staff at the Université Grenoble Alpes (November)
LR was invited to give talks at Open-Access-Tage, Sep 2018, Graz; Workshop DARIAH-CH, University of Neuchâtel, November 2018; "Stay tuned to the future", an international conference on the impact of research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities – bologna, January 2018; NIMS, Tskuba, Japan, September 2018; Rétro-numérisation de documents historiques et partage dans le Web sémantique : l’exemple de la lexicographie – Atelier de formation annuel du consortium Cahier – Montpellier – 26-29 juin 2018; "Serving Learning and Scholarship", Fiesole retreat, Barcelona, April 2018
DS was invited to give a talk at the Indiana University's department of linguistics (October), at Bar Ilan University (November) respectively on Noisy User-Generated Content Treebanking and on Tackling language variability via diachronic word embeddings.
Mohamed Khemakhem chaired and tutored the GROBID-Dictionaries series:
Mathilde Reignault attended the ESSLLI 2018 Summer School in Language and Information as part of her doctoral studies training.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
LR: President of the board of directors of DARIAH (until August 2018)
LR: President of ISO committee TC 37 (Language and terminology)
LR: Member of the ELEXIS Interoperability and Sustainability Committee (ISC) — ELEXIS is the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (
BS: Member, Deputy Treasurer and Member of the Board of the Société de Linguistique de Paris
DS: Board member of the French NLP society (Atala, 2017-2020), Vice-President of the Atala and program chair of the "journée d'études".
DS: Member of the ACL's BIG (Broad Interest Group) Diversity group.
: Charles Riondet: Co-chair of the DARIAH Guidelines and Standards Working Group.
: Marie Puren: Co-chair of the DARIAH Guidelines and Standards Working Group.
Scientific Expertise
BS: member of the recruitment committee for the new “ingénieur d'études” position in Inria Paris's communication department
LR: has carried out various project assesment expertises for: City University Honk Kong, the go!digital programm at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Haifa-Technion Joint Research Submission to Milgrom Foundation, teh Swiss National Science Foundation
EVdLC: Evaluator for the Program Call of DGLFLF on “Langue et Numérique”
Research Administration
BS: Member of the Board of Inria Paris's Scientific Committee ("Comité des Projets")
BS: Member of the International Relations Working Group of Inria's Scientific and Technological Orientation Council (COST-GTRI)
BS: Deputy Head of the research strand on Language Resources of the LabEx EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics), and is therefore a deputy member of the Governing Board of the LabEx; BS and DS are in charge of several research operations in the LabEx
LR: President of the scientific committee of ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur)
LR: President of ISO committee TC 37 (Language and Terminology)
Mohamed Khemakhem and LR: Project leaders of the ISO 24613-4 LMF “TEI Serialisation”
LR: Convener of ISO working group TC 37/SC 4/WG 4 (lexical resources)
LR: advisor for scientific information to the director for science at Inria