Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Benoît Sagot (with Emmanuel Dupoux), “Speech and Language Processing”, 20h, M2, Master “Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage”, ENS Paris-Saclay, France
Licence: Djamé Seddah, “Certificat Informatique et Internet”, 30h, L1-L2-L3, Université Paris Sorbonne, France
Master: Djamé Seddah, “Modèles pour la linguistique computationnelle”,36h, M1, Université Paris Sorbonne, France
Master: Djamé Seddah, “Traduction automatique”, 30h, M2, Université Paris Sorbonne, France
Master: Loïc Grobol, “Introduction à la fouille de textes”, 39h, M1, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Master: Yoann Dupont and Loïc Grobol, “Langages de script”, 39h, M2, INALCO, France
HdR: Benoît Sagot, “Informatiser le lexique — Modélisation, développement et exploitation de lexiques morphologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques”, 28th June 2018, mentored by Laurent Romary
PhD in progress: Mohamed Khemakhem, “Structuration automatique de dictionnaires à partir de modèles lexicaux standardisés”, September 2016, Paris Diderot, supervised by Laurent Romary
PhD in progress: Loïc Grobol, ““Reconnaissance automatique de chaînes de coréférences en français par combinaison d'apprentissage automatique et de connaissances linguistiques”, “Université Sorbonne Nouvelle”, started in Oct. 2016, supervised by Frédéric Landragin (main superviser), Isabelle Tellier
(main superviser), Éric de La Clergerie and Marco Dinarelli -
PhD in progress: Jack Bowers, “Technology, description and theory in language documentation: creating a comprehensive body of multi-media resources for Mixtepec-Mixtec using standards, ontology and Cognitive Linguistics”, started in Oct. 2016, EPHE, supervised by Laurent Romary
PhD in progress: Axel Herold, “Automatic identification and modeling of etymological information from retro-digitized dictionaries”, October 2016, EPHE, Laurent Romary
PhD in progress: Mathilde Regnault,“Annotation et analyse de corpus hétérogènes”, “Université Sorbonne Nouvelle”, started in Oct. 2017, supervised by Sophie Prévost (main superviser), Isabelle Tellier
, and Éric de la Clergerie -
PhD in progress: Pedro Ortiz, “Automatic Enrichment of Ancient Dictionaries”, October 2018, Sorbonne Université, supervised by Laurent Romary and Benoît Sagot
PhD in progress: Benjamin Muller, “Multi-task learning for text normalisation, parsing and machine translation”, October 2018, Sorbonne Université, supervised by Benoît Sagot and Djamé Seddah
PhD in progress: José Carlos Rosales, supervised by Guillaume Wisnewski (Limsi) and Djamé Seddah
BS: president of the Habilitation committee for Kim Gerdes at Université Paris Nanterre on November 29th (Title: “Same Same but Different: Paradigms in Syntax”; Mentor: Sylvain Kahane)
BS: reviewer (“rapporteur”) in the PhD committee for Sébastien Delecraz at Aix-Marseille Université on December 10th (Title: “Approches jointes texte/image pour la compréhension multimodale de documents”; Supervisor: )
LR: member of the PhD committee for Cyrille Suire, University of La Rochelle, September 2019 (Title: "Recherche d’information et humanités numériques : une approche et des outils pour l’historien")
BS: member of the recruiting committee for a communication officer at Inria Paris (Aug–Oct 2018)
LR: member of the selection committee for the assistant professor position on linguistics and NLP at University of Orléans (May 2018)